[DEBATE] PVP servers and shop updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. To clarify his last statement. Fees are going to be implemented to start taking rupees out of the economy (given the huge amount coming in) whether or not it's with the shop system (it read as though fees we're coming to the old shops). Many of the new features will have fees attached to them.

    Something to keep in mind is that the quickbuy system has a 3% fee on it. A single 40r diamond costs 41r with the quickbuy. Start putting that in terms of stacks of things and it becomes a reason to go to a shop. You could consider arguing for a higher fee %.

    As a large shop owner (before, and now as a mod), I can agree that the system will change, and the reputation earned will partially go to the wayside. At the same time, there's still going to be ways to make huge amounts of income. It may end up more like a stock market, but coming in with an existing large shop is going to give a huge advantage.
  2. It will come in, unless if we have MAJOR community backlash. And there has not, to my knowledge. And if you wanted people to vote, just give them rupeiz for voting. And why exactly are we jumping back to the shop ststem? Its kind of irrelevant.
    oidgod likes this.
  3. i'd be down for doing that with you. we could do like an Old Mother Hubbard style shoe and we could let people live in it!

    let's do it!
    Maxarias likes this.
  4. Back on topic I cant wait for PVP, It will add a good banter to the game, (Im calling you out mr piggieh pvp server NOW!!)
  5. *Calls piggy to come to thread*

    I just cant wait to kill you Happy :p
    Happyshopper likes this.
  6. you will have to join the que im sure.... :)

    Happyshopper is a PVP pro
  7. Also note, with how our servers designed you will be dieing every few minutes. If you get angry about dieing to someone in our pvp server, your going to end up banned quick because everyones essentially going to of killed you...

    This isn't going to be the style where "omg i spent 2 weeks building this then you raided me, I hate you @$#T#$"
  8. So, this is gonna be all PvP? Like the good servers do it? Ya have a map, can't break blocks. All you can do is kill. Is that right, Aikar?
  9. Creppa had 9 20 kills streaks on MCCTF xD
  10. Nono, pregenned city map, with things to destroy that no one has built. This way no one gets upset over their creations being destroyed because.. They didn't create anything, it was already there. :)
    We've been thinking of different PVP gameplays, and what to name them. The one I mentioned above is called .. Well, I'll let Aikar say what it's name is.

    So yeah, pregenned buildings, fight other team, destroy city, cause chaos, have fun. No idea who killed who. Map resets after game is done for the next match. :p
  11. Aikar has already admitted (in this thread) that it's about 50:50, not "most of EMC".
  12. I also said those numbers are skewed for the fact most have a false pretense that it means PVP on the SMP servers :)

    Now, let's ask the reverse question: How many would leave EMC if we added PVP as a completely optional side server that you were not required to participate in?

    I'm guessing the answer is in the single digits, no more than 20 even if it does reach double.

    If we can gain 10,000 members from this, which is very easy to foresee, I think losing 20 people is a respectable sacrifice.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  13. Question:

    I found a spawner in aikar.co and I got items. Are those items for aikar?

    And, I cant connect to aikar.co...
  14. Yes, but people against take more against it the people for. Its likely around 70-30. He only went by the vote. If I was against, since I DON'T WANT IT, then I woukd voice much more then For it, B/C since it hasn't happened yet, they don't care of the other side of the arguement wins. But still, 30 is quite a large chunk.
  15. Aikar's server is currently down and not for public use.. And no idea about the spawner/items.
  16. Could you please rephrase that? I've no idea what it means.
  17. Whats up with you dude recently you just seem to lurk the forums picking faults with any thing like this and my auction I ran... come on man cheer up
  18. I'm English, we're not allowed to be cheerful.
  19. Does that follow though to the internet?

    if so Happyshoppers about to get a whole less happy.
    oidgod likes this.