Count as high as possible, until you can't count anymore

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Dec 30, 2017.

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  1. Entertain me.
    Jelle68 and Rayaan5235 like this.
  2. Mathematically speaking, counting so far that i can't count anymore is impossible because there is no real limit to numbers, at least in our knowledge. I can however express every single real number, and I can do this by using domain notation. So I can say that the domain of the numbers that I am counting is x|(-∞, 0)∪ ( ∞,0). So x equals all numbers greater and less than zero. Therefore I have counted every single number in existence. At least I think so i was BSing most of that and it probably dont even make sense lol
  3. well this WAS a joke thread...
  4. yea i was kind of joking too but i killed it anyway
    Carbonyx likes this.
  5. Letr's try to use all the complex numbers aswell.

    { x | x C }

    That isn't that hard...

    Let's now also try to work with j and k, I don't know the simbol for that though...
  6. You all are nerds
    Jelle68 likes this.
  7. alef alef alef alef — — — — — . . . .
  8. Locking: Pending policy change on counting threads.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
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