Corrupt a Wish 2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. I wish I put a wish.
  2. Your wish is not granted

    I wish that all crime would end.
  3. A guy in a balaclava runs over and steals your wish.

    I wish I could have /op on any server.
  4. You get banned from all servers

    I wish I had a pet reindeer
  5. you cant because santa owns dem all!!!

    I wish for a month of diamond supporter :3
  6. You are followed by a magical pole of diamond that will impale you if you move backwards, causing you to bleed to death.

    I wish for my minecraft skin to be able change at will to a skin I think of in my head and explicitly command to change to via telepathic power that does not effect my mental or physical well being IN ANY WAY, affect my computer or any possesion of mine, or affect my minecraft account status, both the account and the gameplay.
  7. You jokingly think of some inappropriate skins and your skin changes. Ban. I wish for moar wishes.
  8. Error: moar does not compute.

    I wish for one billion wishes