[CONTEST] YouTube the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Aug 2, 2012.

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  1. 9001rupees: ill want them, and split them w/ my friend thehedorn.
    Iron Supporter Membership: i have gold. i am better than that.
    fish: ... no thanks.
  2. not sure if... should be scared
    pyro_vampiress likes this.
  3. Somebodys probably already asked this but i couldn't be bothered reading all the pages. Any recording software for an iMac OSX Lion?
  4. Doest MAC have some inhouse thing?
  5. Your quicktime player should have a record function, or you can get the 30 trial of Camtasia studio Mac. I highly recommend either.
    BeKaLuSa likes this.
  6. The Empire MineCast will donate 20,000 rp to this contest, and likely more soon. Didn't read the entire thread, but I figure we won't make a video for this contest even if it's allowed.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  7. Thanks!
  8. Wish there was a machine to check what the durability of a item is... :(
  9. A clarification to the rules
    Since I feel that some of the rules have been misunderstood/misinterpreted I am going to reexplain a few here.

    At some point in your video, a link to Empire.us (this may be your referral link) must be shown on screen. This must be edited/placed on a sign ect. - not done in an annotation - I will allow a server IP to be used. However it must be part of the video. Not in the description. Not in an annotation.

    The video must be filmed on EMC. It can be in the form of a lets play, advert ect - The only exception to this rule is that you may use the WorldDownloader mod, provided you clearly state so in the video's description.

    Please do not use copyrighted content in your video. Make sure you have permission to use everything you include - Due to this rule being added after this thread was created and I believe some early entrants may have missed it, I am going allow the two videos that have already been submitted that contain copyrighted music to enter. However, I reserve the right to mute the audio when the videos are in the voting system. However, both of you are free to reupload the videos so they don't contain this music. :)

    I hope this clears everything up. Please read the OP about 10 times before submitting a video and good luck!
  10. Yay, I'm allowed to make a video, and I'll upload it to YouTube on my dads account! Cause I'm too cool to have one... ...
  11. I have uploaded videos with copyrighted music many times and YouTube allows it (most of the time) as long as I acknowledge that third party content is being used. If YouTube doesn't mute it, then you have no right to.

    Whether it's considered eligible or not, this is the fruit of my two days of labour:

  12. and now my hopes of winning are gone
  13. If you don't mind I'm just going to sit over there and bawl my eyes out... because I will not, ever win this competition.
  14. what mod did you use for the light effects?
  15. the most beautiful video on minecraft i have ever seen you sir deserve to win
  16. Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders.
  17. Then with that being said, the infamous rule 9 will receive a final change. You may use copyrighted contented providing you:
    a) Credit the creator in the description
    b) Live with the fact that YouTube may take the video down
    c) Understand that it's not the most morale thing ever.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  18. we are all stuffed :(
  19. How did you make that. Do you do movie editing as a hobby or career?
  20. Sony Vegas Pro 10. Hobby.
    mba2012 likes this.
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