[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. lol, no you dont, I just forgot to set it.
    You could have asked in the PM I sent ha
    luckycordel likes this.
  2. Hmm, this gave me an inspiration, y not make a redstone 3d printer that uses a stone generator and pistons?! *starting a superflat world*
  3. Because you'd have a fun time trying to automatically remove the blocks that won't be there. Like seriously good luck.

    ACTennisAC made a 2D printer that accepts chest art and then prints it, but it uses block spawners and not vanilla redstone. That was hard enough, so yeah good luck :p
  4. My idea will blow through like 20 E4U3 shovels lol. I'll probably scale it down and then have it fade into whatever I didn't dig out as part of the design.
  5. Would it be possible to allow the contestants to be able to change the TP point for each res?
    Seanawesome14 and Penguinub like this.
  6. Wow I cant wait to do this... this is going to be so awesome even tho I am probably going to lose!
  7. Will you have to build on your own res? Or will it be a different res? And will we be notified when we start?
  8. On the first page of this thread you sign up for this event and they will give you a residence that is ready to go - with only the ability to destroy blocks
  9. *stressing the whole day because I am scared I forgot to push the ''send'' button (some kind of mistake I make way to often)*
    Patr1cV and Seanawesome14 like this.
  10. Wow, this is ALOT of dirt! Going to be harder than I was thunkin!:eek:
    Kytula and Seanawesome14 like this.
  11. yeah i was thinking the same thing :p
    Kytula, luckycordel and BanditLM like this.
  12. time to buy out all the eff 4/5 unb 3 shovels from everywhere...
    Kytula and Seanawesome14 like this.
  13. I know this has been said before but damn, this dirt area is huge.
  14. I havent tried yet (my res still has to come), but I juest realized that you cant just build pillars or dig a way up and then replace it, because you can't build. So I can imagine if it is hard to get to some places, would it be handy to be able to have a bucket flag?
    Patr1cV likes this.
  15. you can use ender pearls I believe.
  16. So I should be set. Yay! I'm probably pretty far down on the list though >_<
  17. Yours was assigned last night. It's likely in creation phase.
    haastregt likes this.
  18. I already have a res, would i be able to get a friends help or is it all singular?
  19. For this event, it's singular.
  20. Alrighty
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