WINNER ANNOUNCED!This contest is for all of our writers! We love sharing content from our community members on the EMC blog, so it's time to pull out your pen and let the creative juices flow. Write a blog post to be published on the Official EMC Blog! Blog Post Guidelines: Blog post does not have to be about EMC, but it must be about something Minecraft-related and not have a blog post already written about it. Must be written in English with proper grammar and spelling. No plagiarism. If it's not your original content, don't send it in. Keep it appropriate and adhere to EMC rules. Minimum of 500 words, maximum of 1000 words. If possible, use some good quality images of your own. Must be enjoyable to read and easily understood by younger audiences You may submit more than one entry Contribution Team members are allowed to enter. Disclaimer: Submissions may be used even if they don't win. Edits may be required to finalize blog posts. Prizes: One blog post will be selected from the submissions as the winner: Empire Blogger's Quill + 250,000 rupees Entries that are high-quality and require little editing: 50,000 rupees Who's judging: MoreMoople and other Senior Staff members. Entry Links: CLICK ME TO ENTER! If you want to submit more than one blog post, please submit separate forms. Deadline: April 30th, 2023 at 11:59 PM EMC time Previous Winners: 2020 - Click here for the contest thread AnonReturns - Click here to read the post EnderMagic1 - Click here to read the post Happy Writing!
just for reaserch waht is a blog post is it like a news artikel?? will i get extra points if i type with out erors since for me that reqears to make it 30 times on paper and than rite it probely 2 times in wurd before even starting with the erors ar you alowed to use like the wurt vunction that puts a line under wrong words
um does a like a article like in a news paper count becouse im at 200 wors of a 500 words paper about how to atract new players and waht i tink ar the main problems dit take me like a long time since englis is not my original langere i rote it first on paper and i still need to correct my spelling and pictures and in prove it its hard for me i dit alrady rite 400 words but had to trow them 2x away becouse it dint make any sence about the topic and the only englis type of letter i have learned is a news paper style so thats waht i dit its main pupose is ro review the tutorial
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that there is a little over a week left to submit your entries for this contest!
Fill out the form here:
Hello all! Just a reminder that the deadline for this contest is in 3 days. I can't wait to read your entries!
oof i dit rite a hole post in word but aperently my licentie exspired so i cant do any ting oof no coppy paste
my entry for the competition note the post made for a black back ground or disingned around it being on a black back ground like the emc website note i dint post it on the link becouse i was not able to put pictures in the google list This blog post is about 1 What are new players 2 What are the problems 3 How to solve the problems 4 why the new players wont stay new players What are new players. New players are normally players that are new to Minecraft . In this case new players are players that are new to Empire Minecraft New players do not now about the many Features of Empire Minecraft They dont now about the custom mobs events and promos not to forget Chances to fanila minecraft The new player is the future of emc And they are good for the server The lack of explanation New player join Empire Minecraft For the custom features and many different tings., Somtimes they join a friend or find it randomly. And wen they join there is normally no explanation about the features of empire minecraft. The only ting that gets explain are the rules. The new player normally plays for a short time before just giving up. Almost all occasions the new player do not get the information they need To understand what empire minecraft is Some of the players i have seen they spawn ask qestion and leave before getting a ensure. The lack of explanation is a concern The problems The Empire minecraft tutorial. Is outdated it only exsplains the rules of empire minecraft. And not all the custom features Promos events and great community. The tutorial looks like it was made 8 years ago it is outdated. The new players of today are different from the new players that joined in 2015. The tutorial shut update with the player and not put in a corner to gather dust. The Empire Minecraft tutorial needs to update and chance with the player. The tutorial still needs to update The tutorial needs to be a place to exsplain new players waht empire Minecraft is all about not only the rules also the features events promos wild and waste outpost plot world and more Studying the problem And the solutioN new players join most of the time complete the tutorial wen most players complete the tutorial that does not any ting about Empire Minecraft not even the custom features. It only exsplains the rules. So wen players complete the tutorial They spawn in a world that is made of dirt. Most of the new players will go explore find somting they cant break it and just leave most of the time they never come back the solution I think the solution is updating the tutorial And add somting like custom achievements that exsplains Empire Minecraft in a fast and fun way They so new players learn about the waste and the wild custom items events and custom mobs. In a controled way. The future of empire minecraft is based on new players we need to think how new players can stay longer and will play longer. Why new players wont stay my thoughts I think new players will not stay on Empire Minecraft for a long time Becouse of the lack of explanation And the players not knowing what to do I think if there are more events and more custom content on a regular bases so players will stay and keep playing What does the empire minecraft community think 1 I asked these questions What do you think about new players 2 What do you think empire Minecraft can in prove to keep new players playing longer 3 do you think the tutorial is the problem 4 what do you think is the problem I inter viewed number of players To understand what the community wants The Self the turtle boy interview The Caroline interrogation
notition i dit notis this may have a little bit been out of time but please accept it i just found a way to get my ducument out of word instead of using word i used word pad for waht for reason that worked so i started working i tink the final result is actuly prety good so please consider letting it in becouse this actuly dit take a rilly long time i first put efry ting on paper since ritting a big ducument on a pc with out putting it in a bin 20 times is a nigtmare not to mention needing to google most words and filling in 10 a4 papers by hand i can profide pictures worked most of the week so had no time
The contest is officially closed! Thank you to everyone who submitted a blog post. Results will be posted in about a week.
Slight delay on the release of results while I plow through finals week. Thank you all for your patience!