Congrats to krysyyjane9191, The Red Dragon!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Nov 3, 2013.

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  1. Huge congrats to our Senior Staff Krysyyjane9191, who attended Minecon as the Red Dragon and won the costume contest!

    From krysyyjane9191, here is a link to an imgur gallery:
  2. Congrats krysyy! That is really cool. We sure will get more members now :)
  3. It seems she also mentioned EMC at the closing ceremony, but just can't find a video lol
  4. Yup she did.
  5. Awesome. Great work!
  6. Congrats Kryssy!
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  7. Gawd. So butiful ;D
  8. Yayyy! Congratz Kryysyy!!!! :D
    Windylava, Silken_thread and DWmom like this.
  9. That's pretty bad ass.
  10. wat he said ^
  11. Yay Krysyy!
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  12. Congratz krysy, also nice costume :D
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  13. That's who that was!! I was in the crowd wondering what her username was! That's so cool, I tried to meet you at the exit but I couldn't find her.
  14. That is awesome Krysyy, great job!
  15. Just....Just..... wow. You go krystal!
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  16. Congrats :)
    And Cupquake was a judge? :eek:
  17. Congrats! :D
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  18. We need to find that video and put it on the forum post. :p
    Silken_thread and Damiensmom11 like this.
  19. ASAP
    EDIT: Also Congrats Krysyy!
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