Community Farm SMP4

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by kevmeup, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. @ShelLuser - Ah, yes, the wonders of EPs! :)
    @kevmeup - I could stop by this weekend to check on the area.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Yes, but that would (or could) also defeat the purpose a little bit.

    The problem is that build flags are given out for the whole residence, not a small part of it. So this wouldn't be too feasible unless those people are willing to use the entire residence (or only give out flags to players they trust).

    To fully mimic this setup (so giving everyone the ability to build) you'd use: /res set build true while standing on the residence. Careful: be well aware that this command gives everyone build access on the residence, so anyone can place but also remove blocks.

    Therefor it would probably be a lot safer to limit access to a selective group of players only. So basically: /res pset build <playername> true. Which does the same as above, providing build access (placing & removing blocks) but only for the specified player, and not the entire server.
  3. @ShelLuser - Thank you!
    @C_McFly - Some of it could be built on a res, but for me part of the reason I do this is to get people out of town for a bit. The area helps other people get started in the wild and many people in the area use it instead of needing to build the farm part themselves.
    @PineappleGem - Awesome :)
  4. Ok guys, finally could live up to my earlier promise; we now also got a carrot & potato field (2 actually; I changed one half of a wheat section into a split between these two and I also build 2 other fields "behind" this new field).

    And not to worry; both fields have signs to indicate what everything is.

    I also noticed that the animals were gone :confused: But fortunately I have my own (small) animal farm / pens and well; I brought some SE's with me. Forgot sheep (will bring those at a later time) but for now we got moosh, cows, pigs and some extra chickens (I know about the egg farm, but since I brought the eggs along I figured I might as well use them ;)).

    Next I also dumped new boats into the chest, some new (iron) farming tools, left some mats (but also kept some on me for use next time).

    I noticed that the glass on the iron farm is also gone; already made a note; next time I'm there I'll bring new glass (and sheep!).
  5. Yay!! That sounds really awesome.
  6. good point and i replanted some nether wart and added some cows
    kevmeup and ShelLuser like this.
  7. I repaired the iron farm today, might take a bit for villagers to breed back up.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. That's sounds good and oh yeah i forgot I added brown and red mushrooms.
    kevmeup likes this.
  9. Would it be ok if I was to build a cow breeder off the farm somewhere
    ShelLuser and kevmeup like this.
  10. For sure. I'd recommend north (just behind the cocoa wall) or build off the cow farm thats there.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Just my 2 cents; the approach I use with this farm is this: "Would others (possibly) like it?". If the answer is yes then my suggestion is to go for it.

    Of course this is assuming that with "others" we're not talking immature players ;)

    I've been stacking up on some sheep eggs, but won't make it this evening. I lost some serious sleep this week so I'm heading in early today.
    kevmeup likes this.
  12. What materials/farm crops does the place need? I can bring over stuff from /smp7 right now.
  13. i added a tree farm next to the jungle/spruce farm. i placed a sign saying its a tree farm and asked that people would replant any saplings.
    kevmeup likes this.
  14. Labeled some of the chests near the farms, replanted crops, made some wooden hoes, spawned some sheep, fixed the chicken farm, brought over 4 jungle saplings so hopefully jungle wood can be harvested at the tree farm, currently fixing up nether wart farm.

    I also EP'd to the top of the iron farm and replaced some doors that were misplaced or missing. Hopefully I did that right. Iron golems still weren't spawning, so I decided to check on that. :)

    Fix anything I messed up on!
    kevmeup likes this.
  15. The iron farm was griefed recently, so I put new villagers, takes a bit for them to get from 2 to 14 :) Some romantic music helps... heh heh
  16. Wow guys, the place is looking great :) Will have to post some more pics soon.
  17. iron golem farm was griefed again unless one of yall did it
  18. the hoppers where removed and lava was replaced with cobble
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. and the villagers are missing
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. I am seriously ticked off and this is my venting post.

    I'll have you know that fsck is an actual Unix command, all I wanted was to file system check this (uh huh ;))

    (I know; the intend was different. Welcome to my wall of defense on a family friendly server. No offense taken if this needs to go. And yes, I was honestly and seriously agitated here)

    But instead of turning this into a whine ranting on how unfair things are I'm going to turn this post 180 degrees around and not focus on the negative (you kiddies; we'll overcome. I already send Kev (by mail, watch me no care about send costs) more than enough to fix this).

    Instead I am going to focus on the positive side, the one which honestly impressed me...

    I strongly believe in transparency and open channels. SO....

    [02:33:42] [CHAT] To ElfinPineapple0: I'm gonna report, I'm sick of this
    [02:34:45] [CHAT] Could not find a player with the name We're
    [02:35:05] [CHAT] To ElfinPineapple0: lol, nvm. cannot make anonymous reports
    [02:35:11] [CHAT] From ElfinPineapple0: ?
    [02:35:25] [CHAT] Chat focus set to channel Local
    [02:35:35] [CHAT] From ElfinPineapple0: bloodra1n is on 4, drop him a /tell
    [02:35:44] [CHAT] To ElfinPineapple0: ta
    [02:36:11] [CHAT] To ? bloodra1n: Hi, sorry to bother you but... I'm at our community farm (frontier) and we've been griefe
    [02:36:35] [CHAT] To ? bloodra1n: ... griefed. Is there perhaps anything you can do? At least identify / sanction the grie
    [02:36:45] [CHAT] To ? bloodra1n: ... griefer? thanks in advance for your comment.
    [02:36:53] [CHAT] From ? bloodra1n: are you at the community farm now?
    That is 8 seconds respond time to a call which wasn't even done through proper channels. After all; you should use /report and otherwise use the forum.

    And sure enough...

    [02:37:21] [CHAT] To ElfinPineapple0: good call, I owe you one.
    [02:37:39] [CHAT] L ? bloodra1n: ah I remember this
    So that is no more than 1 minute before said staff member was on the scene to investigate. And trust me; he took his time. Even at one time asked us (I brought a friend along) to guard his back while he was busy out-game doing stuff (which we happily did; full swords drawn).

    Due to the weekend and my consumption of certain beverages I am not taking chances and treating the rest of the convo strictly private.

    Take my word for it that the things which I more or less expected.. no.. unfair: that the things which I thought could happen: "You know, you really shouldn't be building this close to the outpost. We can do stuff but honestly; better hide yourself...". .. that this stuff didn't happen. Instead blood took his time and looked through everything. Even got into places which I normally can't reach.

    Bottom line: we reported, we were taken seriously, the staff member took things seriously as well and even went so far as tracking down the owner of the farm (Hoi Kev!) and inform him in person what happened as well. On a completely different server.

    Sure I am ticked off and unhappy. I vented by throwing rupees at sending Kev the stuff required to repair the iron farm, caring less about extra costs, and by spouting off here (while making very sure not to use the kind of language I'd like ;)).

    Some people will simply never grow up and apparently need to make up for their apparent serious setback in certain private family places within communities such as ours. These kinds of low lives are best not to be hated but to be pitied.

    And I am not saying so because I believe in "turning the other cheek", I honestly do not. But think about it: how sad is it if you lack the comprehension to realize that destroying something may give you some giggles during that exact moment and most likely a lot of server troubles later.

    While on the other side; actually participating and well.. doing things can get you some serious amusement which will most certainly last for weeks.

    If you're capable (and have the brain power) to open yourself up to it ;)

    Oh well... I'd like to seize the moment and thank bloodra1n for his help and comments, I'd like to thank the griefer for giving us something to do (we got bored tbh :mad:) and well..

    We'll be back! <terminator voice>
    ElfinPineapple0 and kevmeup like this.