[Community Discussion] Voting Perks

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Well great ideas EMC! But with the supporter for 24 hours (example) thing you could have their name in for example orange to show they are a 'limited time' supporter other wise it may possibly get confusing for some players. Just an idea, thanks!
  2. You are like always the first person to comment to any Admin or moderator post.. Amazing
    chickeneer likes this.
  3. I think if we did supporter sample it would kinda bite to get an extra residence and then lose it after a short amount of time. Maybe instead of the multi residence feature they could experience Map Hide and some other stuff or something.
    IcecreamCow and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. i think that if you get 50,000 (or more/or less) another res but you cant get more then 2 res's(that includes your first res that you get when you join)
  5. its pretty much decided that even if we do allow > iron supporter, you wont get extra residences.
    PandasEatRamen and jkjkjk182 like this.
  6. Good idea, your post has given me another idea, make map hide a perk so if you voted x amount of times you would get map hide for a week or a day.
  7. These posts pretty much sum up what I'm getting at. Everyone wants more than one res and they're not stopping to think. "Oh hey after my sample is up, all that work I put in is gone." I'd rather sample the other stuff like Map Hide, Reserved Slot, Supporters Chat Channel, and Customize Residence Messages. I don't really see the need in trying out the more rupees or TNT or Mining in Utopia because from what I hear it's not a wasteland like the wild in all the other servers. I'm not all about the rupees, I'm content with what I have. Those are about the only reasons I'm thinking of going supporter.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. What can I say. I am just on all of the time :p (not really just all of the right times)
  9. wow it sounds really cool and fun! now i just hope everyone else votes too now!
  10. Thanks everyone for the great ideas so far! Also:

    Daily, REMEMBER TO VOTE TODAY, post. :)
    Zabriel and penfoldex like this.
  11. I voted. (my badge until the badge/symbol/unique marking comes out)
  12. Idk if this has been suggested but i would say that u made it so that ppl are given more reasons suchas:
    Obligate ppl to vote if they want to build teleporters in their houses.
    Obligate ppl to vote if they want to ecnahtn
    Obligate ppl to vote if they want to brew potions
  13. I don't think forcing people into voting would work well. They're vanilla/popular mechanics which everyone uses so limiting them to voters seems a bit unfair to me. I've seen other servers try something similar to this and it basically left them with many unhappy members, meaning they got less votes than they would without the limitation.

    I think voting should be optional, but reward those who vote. :)
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. For ICC: Daily, REMEMBER TO VOTE TODAY, post.
  15. How do you vote??????? On the other hand it does sound very awesome.
  16. You click on the Links in the First Post. They will take you to different sites where you can vote for EMC
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  17. You can vote here:

    You can find the post by ICC here:

  19. Really great ideas everywhere! :D

    I have one: Instead of something like *AlexHallon* or whatever you were going to do, could the Voting Rank be AlexHallon instead?
    I mean, your name to be Red for 24 hours would be awesome.

    COUNTtheLLAMAz likes this.
  20. I think it should only add to the name, not change the name's color. Then what would be the point of supporter colors? Also, most of the chat would be made of red names then. Another reason (haha) for colored *'s would be that contrast is more obvious than a bunch of red names (since everyone would vote with these new ideas).
    AlexHallon likes this.