Coming Soon to Smp4: Sky Tower II Hotel

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by joshmcf, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Can I reserve a gold room please?
  2. A 20k dirt shop? If yes, ill donate another 20k :)

    Edit: Paid 20k to Joshmcf, 40k total donated :)
  4. Thank you sir :)
  5. Gold room permanent is 5000r and yes you certainly can :)
  6. I want to reserve a permenant gold room.
  7. 5k please, you can pay it to either me, or joshmcf
  8. i said i wanted a room... i did not even get a reply...
  9. Sorry! joshmcf should really get on more, and okay you want the emerald room then? Permanent or for how many weeks?
  10. And the rooms seem to confuse me, if you donate emerald it says you get 2k off a room and a room customized as you wish, so I'm guessing you get a free room, and 2k off another? -3-
  11. They are combined, so here are the prices with the Emerald coupon

    Iron: 1,000r
    Gold: 3,000r
    Diamond: 8,000r
    Emerald: 18,000r

    So then if you buy a room, and you are an Emerald donator, you will get a reduced price on the room, and you get the option to help design it when we are building it. So one room, not two.
  12. Yay! He's back :D
  13. Erik, Im paying another 18k, so i can also have an emerald room. Now i will have one custom room&an emerald room. Make it MEGA please. I have paid.
  14. Yes and ok when joshmcf can give you perms, you can begin.
  15. What do you mean by "give me the perms"?
  16. Sorry, we are still working this out. What I believe it will be is that we will build your room itself, and then you can tell us what you would like in your room, and we will try to install it, you won't be the actual person to design it.
  17. So you mean like i build a version next to the sky tower, and i have the parameters and stuffs, and then you implement it?
  18. what is the res # ?
  19. You could do that if you would like, or you could just say "I want a movie theater, a bar, a kitchen, and a storage room in my room, and make the walls blue!"etc,etc
  20. Res 9479, however it is not open to the public at this time