Coding With Aikar - 10/14/15

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Aikar, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. It's crashing when I go into settings, and also doesn't let me stop stream (hangs and has to be force killed), but exiting the program stops the stream.

    Drivers pretty updated:

    >>> dpkg -l | grep nvidia
    ii  nvidia-352                                                  352.30-100ubuntu100~ppa0~trusty0                    amd64        NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library
    ii  nvidia-352-uvm                                              352.30-100ubuntu100~ppa0~trusty0                    amd64        NVIDIA Unified Memory kernel module
    I found someone mention multiple GPU's causes the tearing issue.... I have 4 GPU's so I guess im screwed as i'm not turning them off.
  2. Weird. It might very well be the 'multiple GPU' cause. I have 2 GPU's: an integrated Intel HD Graphics and an dedicated Nvidia GeForce 710M. It sucks that I can't turn of either of these too, because the Intel GPU is for my screens and the Nvidia GPU I need for streaming / running Minecraft (or whatever I'm streaming)

    I'll do some testing with OBS, to see if I can find anything. :)
  3. This is what I've found out:

    It's important that OBS is running on the same capture card as your desktop is on, if you're recording your desktop. So find out which of your 4 GPU's is handling your desktop and run OBS on that GPU (How to do that depends on your GPU brand)
  4. I have no idea how to 'choose' a card to run an app on...

    But also, I found out the issue is furthur down on the OS level. I tried to Stream the desktop through VLC and encountered the exact same issue.

    I thought I was going to be crafty and stream VLC, then stream VLC to the livestream as a middleman but it didnt work.
    607 likes this.
  5. That's done in the software of your screen's GPU. You need to determine which one it is and search on Google how to do it, then set obs.exe to run with that (again, you'll need to Google for that)

    This might also have something to do with outdated drivers. Update all of them just to be sure.
  6. Back live but max decided to go to sleep on couch so I cant speak...

    but I think I have desktop fixed. Nvidia setting "Allow flipping" may of been the cause.
    UltiPig and LuckyPat like this.
  7. Wait, how did you make the text right next to the picture? :confused:
  8. Great music selection! The kind that gets my coding juices flowing. :)

  9. Just add a text source
    607 likes this.
  10. Had a really great stream tonight and got a lot of coding done! Hopefully will get a video of the stream up.

    Should be doing another tomorrow.
    Friend system got nearly finished - so got to watch a feature completely from the start. :)
    PenguinDJ, 607, nltimv and 1 other person like this.
  11. And were back on, but gotta leave around 5 for food.
    nltimv likes this.
  12. Thanks again for a great stream =D

    Have to go to bed now :(
    607 likes this.
  13. I'm aiming to resume tomorrow. I was too tired last night, and i need to get to sleep early tonight as I need to go to work earlier than normal tomorrow... :/

    So i'ma take a break tonight, and leave the code alone and resume where we left off tomorrow, so we can have the complete feature live streamed!

    (I'ma see about posting 1 and 2 to be rewatched)
    607 likes this.
  14. I love coding hope to see your skills
  15. You still need to turn on your VOD , btw, so people who missed the show could still watch it :D
  16. I just did that today, see the videos at

    I'm going to skip tonight as max is napping atm. Going to work on some other task I've been meaning to do that would be VERY boring to live stream, converting TaskChain to use Java8 Lamdas >_>
    607 and nltimv like this.
  17. 607, Bro_im_infinite and f_Builder_s like this.
  18. Friend system sounds interesting:)
    UltiPig likes this.
  19. And we're back live!
    Bro_im_infinite and tuqueque like this.
  20. And we're live. I've added all relevant info on signature, so you can see when I'm live even w/o me saying it here :p