[Closed Contest] name my new puppy!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by batmegh, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. ok, I admit Spom was a bit of a stretch, but ya can't knock a guy for trying. I still think you should add Prince to the "official" name tho.
    battmeghs and 607 like this.
  2. If you don't pick a name we suggested, who gets the 50k?
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. probably no one, I just wanted hundreds of ideas and needed some incentive xD
  4. but i might plan on paying something to everyone who put in their suggestions.
    607 likes this.
  5. Haha, sorry, but I laughed out when picturing "Hey Spom!" :p
    RainbowPony and battmeghs like this.
  6. -Jake (adventure time reference) :3
    battmeghs likes this.
  7. alrighty! the puppy is locked in!
    we're getting the boy! his name is going to be Sheogorath! the name was picked outside of the EMC community out of my own obsession of skyrim, lol but! i have sent out 50 rupees to everyone who suggested a name, so if you see an extra 50 in your account.. this is why! :)
    ... during payment i sent a few people an extra 50 on accident, if i had, keep it, its whatever, lol it was hard to keep track of who i had already paid! i hope you enjoy! and thank you for throwing in your suggestions!
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  8. :oops:... I wanted to suggest a name but forgot to post..
    607 likes this.
  9. Enjoy your new puppy Meghs. :)
  10. we still have to wait a few weeks >_< we don't get to have him until November 7th :( I wish we could get him now lol
  11. i got new photos!!!! :D

    RainbowPony and Deadmaster98 like this.
  12. Oblivion's Sheogorath was much better. :p Funnier in my opinion. xD
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. Woot, nice to see the ickle puppy :3 Nice name too! :D
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. FDNY21 likes this.
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