[Closed] [Barter] That's right, a Bartering Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Blondekid42, Mar 30, 2016.

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  1. Ok, sent you 56 diamonds.
    I can pick up in smp6 town.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  2. You're welcome! I've run into a lil snag though. My internet is out and I'm using my phone to post this. It should surely be fixed tonight and I work a nice long shift today. I'll send you your gold as soon as I can get online. ^_^
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. So I'm reading through the thread... I know you requested to leave spammy comments to a minimum so I'll keep this short: what an awesome idea!
    PvP_Senpai and Blondekid42 like this.
  4. Well, it fluctuates here and there, but some people are enjoying not having to spend all their rupees to get the items they want. :) I try to keep the OP updated with new items whenever I accumulate more, but like any business, it's not easy.

    In relation to that, in order to do Birosquina's 4 voucher trade, I had to run away and sell some diamonds to buy another 3 vouchers since someone else had "haggled" into the deal after he posted. I didn't mind spending rupees to make sure Biro's trade didn't get screwed over by my diamond-lust. I managed to get them by the skin of my teeth, but nonetheless, another happy customer. ^_^

    If you're interested in something Shel, I'd be more than happy to barter with you. :cool:

    Thinking of which, OP Update:
    18 wither skulls in stock!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. I'm looking for a diamond support voucher.

    Real life $20 buys a diamond voucher, that price also = 200,200 rupees.

    I'm willing to barter 45 wither skulls 45 x 4,500 r = 202,500 your profit would be 2,300 r

    45 wither skulls would give you 15 nether stars at 15k each that = 225,000 r profit of almost 25k.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  6. Hmmm... Tempting offer as I have one in my collection. I'll tell you what, if you'll give me the 45 Wither Skulls and your choice of either a promo worth at least 30k or 24 diamond blocks and I'll trade it with ya. ^_^ I raised the price due to the voucher being set aside for me to use out of my personal collection.
  7. How about 50 wither skulls + 2015 halloween mask?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  8. I like your thinking. ^_^ I am trying to restrain myself from saying "Deal!" so often lol. I work for another 4 hours, so if you are unchallenged, I will trade with the last person to offer, in the current case, you Biro. Sound good?
  9. I can match the 50 skulls and give you a 20 diamond blocks.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  10. Alright! CallMeTower is in the lead! Any comeback Birosquinha? I'll give ya 2 hours to respond. ^_^
  11. It's been 2hrs and no others have responded. I'm ready to trade when you are.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  12. Alrighty, the voucher is all yours Tower. =D I'll be waiting at my res on smp6. If ya cant make it, mail me the heads and the diamonds
  13. Okay, i'm on my way.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  14. Guess i missed you. I'm afk at your res, if you log back on.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  15. Barter OP Update:

    Added more Wither Skulls! Now have 24 available for bartering.

    Also, Bumpski!
  16. hey I sent the 12 demands and have yet to receive the Taste of Freedom Steak?
  17. Sorry mate! I honestly thought I sent it already... I was wondering why I had a Freedom Steak in one of my chests lol. I'm stuck at work for another 8 hours, but I'll definitely mail it after I get home. I'll even throw two diamond blocks in for the delay. :)

    [EDIT] I have been offered an used Dancer and unused Dasher for my wither skulls by RaiinNL. Anyone challenging this offer?

    [RE-EDIT] Fixed the offer... Lol
    gladranger7 likes this.
  18. Steak has been sent with 4 diamond blocks :)
    gladranger7 likes this.
  19. wait u would lose ur steak and diamonds?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  20. I gave ya the diamonds for me not sending the steak sooner. All yours friend. =D
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