[Closed] [Barter] That's right, a Bartering Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Blondekid42, Mar 30, 2016.

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  1. What do you want for the 24 gold ingots?
  2. Let's do it Biro. I have 4 left. =)

    Raiin, whachu got for em?
  3. What about 4 diamonds?
  4. Hmm... seems like gold is popular right now... ;) Adding another 24 ingots, right now! Also adding in some Lapiz pieces.
  5. deal will send soon
  6. What are you wanting for the beacons?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  7. Almost whatever you wanna offer. If I feel it equates to the value, I'll trade. ^_^ As you can probably tell from all these posts, I like diamonds. A lot. Lol Other promos can sweeten the deal or even some gold or iron. Be warned though. Iron and gold are waaay cheaper than a diamond. So, in conclusion, what's your offer? ^_^ And sorry for the late reply, my alerts didn't show me you posted here.
  8. Replied Bump!

    Barter OP Update:
    Added 9 Wither Heads!
    gladranger7 likes this.
  9. I'll give you 384 diamonds for all three beacons and all nine wither skulls.
  10. Make it 400 diamonds and 12 gold blocks or 24 iron blocks and we got a deal. :)
    DH32 likes this.
  11. I'll make it 392 and 16 iron blocks :p
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  12. How about 396 diamonds and the 16 iron blocks? ^_^
    DH32 likes this.
  13. Sure. Where can I drop off the items off?
    Blondekid42 and gladranger7 like this.
  14. I will set up an access sign momentarily. After confirming the drop, I'll mail you the items, that is unless someone else"bids" higher than you did before items are received. ^_^

    Access chest is now set up. Very unlikely for someone to out-bid ya before you drop the items off. :)
  15. Sorry, I was a lil sleepy posting lol My res on smp6 /v 12790 You should pop up right in front of the chests.

    [EDIT] I work another long shift today! I'll be home in roughly 11 hours. ^_^
  16. Items dropped off :) No rush, just mail them when you can.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  17. Barter OP Update:
    Added in 30 gold blocks and a Stable Voucher!
  18. 50 diamonds for 30 gold blocks
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  19. Hmm... Make it 56 and you got yourself a deal. ^_^
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