[Closed] [Barter] That's right, a Bartering Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Blondekid42, Mar 30, 2016.

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  1. Yeah, stable one too :)
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  2. Alright! I'll give you 1 and a half stacks of diamonds for both. Sound good?
  3. how bout u give me ur head ;) and a 40 diamonds for both? :p :D
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  4. A few promos I have that I would be fine getting rid of in exchange for some other promos (trying to round out my collection), or for some other valuable items (I like diamonds, quartz, and vault vouchers, lots of vault vouchers :D ).

    9x Cooked Turkey
    2x 2015 EMC Birthday Cakes
    1x Momentus Toothpick
    2x UnUsed Cupids Bows (Still have Unbreaking III)

    Edit: I am not sure what their "trade value" would be, so thats why I am just kind of posting them here and letting anyone barter for them.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  5. I appreciate your posting here. ^_^ Hmm... They all have a high trade value and are worthy of my viewing xD

    I'll give you 8 diamonds per cooked turkey, a vault voucher, Stable Voucher and a stack of diamonds for the Momentus Toothpick, or 48 diamonds per 2015 cake. ^_^
  6. oh blondekid42! I want that cake and need u to value it for me :)

    EDIT: darn u fast! ok so 48 for cake :) ?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  7. You sly dog.... ;)

    Throw in your head and 2 gold blocks and we got ourselves a deal.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  8. hmmm.... I don't know ok ill take the 32 d (I have no head :( )
    how's that sound?
  9. I like the trade for the Momentus toothpick (vault & stable voucher + stack of diamonds). Edit: So thats a yes :)

    How about 1 EMC Bday cake for each of you (if you are both fine with that)? 48 diamonds from gladranger7 for his cake, but blondekid42 how about the Cake + the 9 cooked turkeys for a beacon (1 beacon vs 120 diamonds)?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  10. You are a natural barterer! Lol I'll do it!
    JDHallows likes this.
  11. i will buy 1 cake will send 48 diamonds today!
  12. also I will send the vouchers Blonde :)
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  13. still got those wither heads?
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  14. Yes indeed! ^_^

    Alrighty! I can't get on til a lil later, but I'll mail the diamonds after confirming "payment"
    gladranger7 likes this.
  15. Access chests set up on my res if you go to /v +pickup on SMP7 Just leave your items inside for the trade, and you can take your items. Thank you both for the trades! :D
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  16. 3 creeper heads for the 8 stacks of glass?
  17. I have a slightly used Lucky Bow. I'm not so sure about its certain durability, but I'm sure that I have fired less than 25 shots from it. I'm willing to trade it out for some other items but I'm more inclined to get my hands on the prismarine and prismarine bricks. Otherwise, maybe some ingots will do fine. I'm also in need for building materials for my beacons.

    Anyway, the question would be, how much would I get from trading off a slightly used Lucky Bow?
  18. hey Blondekid42 I want the bow! value it plz!
  19. Hmm.... I'll give you 4 stacks of glass for 3 creeper heads. :)

    Well, I'll have to see the bow myself before I try to Barter for it. :D

    Items sent to both gladranger7 and JDHallows!
    gladranger7 likes this.
  20. Can I trade a vault voacher and turkeys 12 I think for
    Blondekid42 likes this.
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