Civil War (FORUM GAME)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. WCA rolls 6, EPM rolls 8, yet again, no change.
  2. I attack Windor.
  3. e.e
    once again, attack on Chambly!
  4. WCA rolls 8, EPM rolls 5. WCA controls Windsor and the rest of Ontario.

    WCA rolls 6...... EPM rolls 7....
    You have crappy luck today Choong. :p

    Yes, really, this is the point of the game.
    607, princebee and Choongjae like this.
  5. *huffs heavily*
    Final. Attack. On. Chambly.
    princebee likes this.
  6. WCA rolls a 9, EPM rolls a 5. WCA finally takes Chambly!"

    Night time, one move or attack during the night, attacks will be done tomorrow.
    607 and Choongjae like this.
  7. WIndsor please
  8. yush yush yush. : D
    I have a question. If you're inside a province, and an enemy takes it over, what happens to you whilst you're inside it? It doesn't seem fair that you can stay inside and throw attacks to easily retake cities and basically annoy the enemy..

    New day! Attack on Bromont!
  10. Got busy

    WCA rolls a 6, EPM rolls a 3. WCA takes Bromont.

    EPM rolls a 4, WCA rolls a 6. No change.
  11. Attack on Titan Bromont.
  12. Doesn't WCA control Quebec now?
  13. Start: Vancouver BC
    Why?: I live there or close to there
    skrillexrocks500 likes this.
  14. <-- has the smartness
    Attack on Halifax
  15. Sorry guys, had a busy week.