Oh yeah, I forgot about Quebec City. Oh well, cities don't do anything other than for controlling territories, but that might change in Civil War 2.0, once I figure that out and once this dies. Ok ok, I'm off
Rise and shine! Well its Monday so I'll be at school, so, attacks will be done slowly until 3. As for the 30 minutes between, I should be able to check my phone around every 30 minutes. Also, I will be adding the teams to the OP later today when I have more time.
So, I was thinking, could there be something whereas if a WCA team person attacked persay London (example), and then as soon as you see the post, mrlegit, then you could start a timer for 10 minutes. If say an EPM team member requests to defend that town before the 10 minutes is up, then their roll is doubled or so. So WCA get the normal roll up to 12, but then EPM gets a roll up to 24? And if another WCA team person attacked with the first one, they could get a 24 roll? Granted, teams could coordinate to attack at the same time, and then a province would be taken over quite quickly.. but meh? Also, now that we have taken over Ontario, where is skrillex located? Is he still in Ontario, just hiding, or was he force moved to a different province/town? None the less, I will attack Montreal!
That is something I might be doing with Civil War 2.0. For now, lets keep it like this, as its already started and I don't want it to become more complicated. WCA rolls a 6,EPM rolls a 5. WCA controls Montreal. Whoops, Either way, WCA controls Montreal now. EPM rolls a 8, WCA rolls a 6. EPM has Windor. So this is new, WCA has a city in a EPM controlled territory, while the EPM has a city in a WCA control territory. Which would mean that neither own either one, which means you are kind of trapped, so you now the WCA could go back into Windsor and attack it, or keep attacking Quebec, or the EPM could keep attacking Ontario, or move back to Quebec to retake Montreal.
Sure, but you would need to travel. Also, to make it clear, the island provinces all have bridges to the main land, just like in real life, so you don't need to embark to get to them.
WCA rolls a 3, EPM rolls a 4. Windosr does not change hands. WCA rolls a 3 again, EPM rolls a 5, no change.