Just because I realized there is a MAJOR problem with this, I am adding a new rule. The town you are attacking must be in a province next to yours, and moving from province to province counts as an attack move. Don't complain, lots of strategy board games do this too. This stops the ability to be attacking P.E.I from BC. For water attacks, embarking onto water counts as an attack. This is to balance attacking by water, as you can attack any province that has ocean access (other than BC) from the Hudson Bay. And now, we can start.
No you're not. The U.S is owned by the U.S and China is owned by China. If you mean that China is stronger than the U.S, then you're still wrong. The U.S takes everything by force and is not a force to be reckoned with... unless of course you want to be attacked by the U.K also. Who will attack anyway because they love the U.S for whatever reason... What side: WCA Starting location on that side: Vancouver A reason why you picked that side: Because it has Vancouver in it. I love Vancouver for absolutely no reason!
So wait, do I have to attack the other three towns in SK to control it, then I have to attack other WCA provinces to gain control of them to finally reach EPM?
Lets say you capture Regina, you would still need to capture Lloydminister, Saskatoon, and Moosejaw to capture SK. From there you could attack Manitoba or BC. I have also changed the Newfoundland and Labrador town of St. John to Labrador City, to get rid of any confusion with the other Saint John.
Well, BC also can't be attacked by water, at least in this game, but seeing as how no moves have been made so far, you can if you wish.
Because Princebee is also in WCA, does it mean he can just traverse on the land I have gotten, or are we against each other also?
SK is WCA. If the province is under your side at the start of the game, you can't attack the cities in it unless the other side takes them. So can can either move to Manitoba, wait the half hour, then embark on water, wait again, and THEN attack a city in a EPM city in any of the EPM provinces. The waiting time is also good for getting people to start at a boarder between WCA and EPM or in a province/territory that has access to the Hudson Bay.
Its been an half hour for both of you, do another move if you wish. Non-attack moves can be done every half hour without me online. Attack moves can be posted, but will only happen once I come online and do the roll for it.
The WCA rolled a 4, the EPM rolled a 2. Ottawa is now part of the WCA. The WCA needs to capture the other three cities in Ontario to capture Ontario.