IS mob arena going on today? PLEASE TELL ME IT IS! If it is, it's the last mob arena I can do in awhile! And not that me and Panda both are using good computers, we can do it together!
No, I really wanted to know if the mob arena was going to be opened... I can now just sit in a corner and mourn because mob arena is cancelled. Nah, I didn't read the thread. I should've!
Why? I doubt you had any reason to buy one. I am surprised so many are bought as they are not exactly the best value for money.
So I don't get 1 thing, why can't it be a fully auto arena like on mob arena servers I play? You would put in a computer what mobs spawn on what level and it auto spawns them after all mobs on that level died... And y close the arena?
It's just that, all this time, I'd open the chests, and find 1-10 of them total. I've always assumed some guy renamed them "Poke Stick" and brought a few in his inventory as a joke.
It closed since the winners kept being harassed or begged for the prizes by other players. That's part of the reason, I think...
lul, I did it with an inv full of cake once I think this will be what you're looking for And as for why? Well, that's been explained perfectly well in this thread.
"Life is unfair so live with it..."-someone "Don't take things for granted, be grateful for what you have"- teh internet
I'm grateful that I have laptop (can hardly play minecraft), I got minecraft, and joined this server.....
One thing I enjoyed about the Max/Davie arenas is that we had a rough time for the arena to take place at. Now we've got Icc's famous "MOB ARENA IN 10 MINUTES " that could come at any moment, which we have to live in constant fear of missing
Man, this hits me really hard. This was one of the main reasons I played on EMC, not to win just to have fun in the arena. Now that I think about it I know there is some things I have done wrong in the arena, like suggest you should put some ghasts in there, and probably bad last time also I begged the staff to let me in the winners chamber since I won, but failed the sword challenge. Even saying congratulations to taluke before it even starts was a bad idea. The first time I won I got pressured to try and give others people Armour back for free, or they'll quit the server forever, now I know how taluke, ninjaboy, and some of those other winners feel sometimes. I hope max and davie will give the community one more chance, to realize their mistakes, I know I did, I hope other people will too.
Yes this hits me hard as well. I knew there was begging going on but I had never won before so I did not realize the extent of the issue. Wednesday was the first time I seriously tried to win mob arena. I got 2nd place behind samsimx and I lost 2 sets of god armor. I knew that I was risking losing them so I didn't complain or beg to get them back, and I also had LOADS of fun doing it (although stressful). The competitive aspect is also pretty much strictly to mob arena in emc so it's a real shame that some people ruin the whole thing for a bunch of people just because they can't be mature enough to realize that you can lose things you bring to the arena. Especially since the items are just in a video game that's just sad. . I understand where Max and Davie have come from and respect their decisions but I hope mob arena will restart with maybe some rules that others have suggested above like banning them from mob arena.