Can boys and girls be friends...?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 1, 2013.


Do you think boys and girls can be friends?

Yes 103 vote(s) 90.4%
No 11 vote(s) 9.6%
  1. my best friend is male, i just don't get along with females like i can with males. its just easier..

    but, you're not going to ruin a relationship by dating, i did it once, i dated my best friend, for years, actually, and just one day, we kissed, and bam, well, his other friends didn't like me, and they bothered him about it so much that he told me he couldn't be with me anymore, i ignored him for a few months, but, i got over my selfishness of whatever i was upset about and we are still best friends now, and nothing matters as to what happened before

    though, sometimes the outcome can be different, a little altered or tainted because of the reason why you had broken up, but if you're both mature enough, and see past the stupidness of why you broke up, there shouldn't be a problem still being friends.

    everything usually works out, :)
  2. I don't have much knowledge on love either :p I have my own problems, and i'm socially awkward because of emotional and confidence issues. Plus, I feel really awkward if I give something to someone, never mind a girl I like.

    Also, we found eachother on Omegle twice today...Except the first time she told me her name was osama and turned her cam off, and then when I d/c'd she skyped me calling me a b**ch :p
  3. I am married to a woman, and we are best friends.
    My neighbor and her daughter are 2 of my really close friends.
    Many of the women I served in combat with are my really close friends.

    I want to retract my yes and say no. Boys and girls can not be friends. Men and women can be friends.
    You must mature prior to attempting to be just friends. Although in some instances boys and girls are just friends, it usually occurs when absolutely no sexual attraction exists. This can be between two heterosexual individuals, not exclusively homosexuals. Also, heterosexuals can develop lustful unrequited feelings for a homosexual friend. (Male - Female/Female - Male or even Male - Male/Female - Female).

    That is the wonderful thing about being a human being.
    You do not have to isolate yourself to the constraints of gender. Society has many ignorant standpoints on race, gender, sexuality, religion, politics, social issues, etc. that limit the expansion of human interaction and social progress. This social retardation is further exacerbated by "politically correct" standpoints. You do not have to act in a way that others will accept. You can't please everyone, so please yourself. Those who find your company enjoyable will remain and those that don't will attempt to change you until they lose interest.
    henpenben, penfoldex, mba2012 and 4 others like this.
  4. Wait..I got confused :p
    You say boys and girls can't be friends, and that men and women can. You say must be mature prior to just trying to be friends...
    Are you saying that you have to be mature to be friends with a girl, or you have to be an adult? Me and my friend are pulling the just friends thing off - we act no different to when we were best friends...which was "I feel like I can tell you anything"...
    I blame my possible bipolar on this trust thing...
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  5. I am not 100% sure after rereading it myself haha. Maturity is not solely for adults nor does being an adult guarantee maturity. What I intended for it to mean is that Men and Women are more likely to handle the just friends deal but that it would require maturity no matter the age of those involved. However, when you get into your teens and 20s, your sex drive is more in control of your thoughts than your desire to make friends with anyone. :)

    If you two are working it out, congrats. Just don't put all of your eggs in one basket either. When you feel comfortable taking a relationship beyond just friends, do so with an open mind and a safe intent.

    Basically, don't let someone pressure you into physically intimacy of any sort. Hugging, kissing, sex, touching, etc. If it doesn't feel right, say no and get to a place you feel safe. Also, don't pressure someone into it either if they are not ready.

    I say all of this as you come across as a young person. Nothing wrong with that at all. I am just providing you with the advice I never really heeded or received. I was a father at 19, 3 months in to my Army career. I made some poor decisions prior to and during my service that I have to live with the consequences of but I also learned the hard way how to handle life on life's terms. :)
    penfoldex, mba2012, jamesg003 and 2 others like this.
  6. I turn 13 in 3 months xD Nice to see you can work everything out. She said that we can go out in a couple of years when we both feel like we're ready, which was fine by me. I just hope that a few years is enough time to get out of the mess my life is in...I feel like I should have just died at birth alot of the time like I would have if the midwives hadn't intervened, and then I feel scared and alone when I can't talk to my best friend about everything, because my parents would never believe me when I say what I want to say to them.
    mba2012, neonkillah and Twitch1 like this.
  7. They can.

    So what if we have different type of genes. So what if we are a different sex? (Excuse me for that xD)

    If you ask me, theres no problem with a school crush. I kind of wonder to myself, isn't it a little young for us people to start dating? (Talking to dem 11-13 year olds) Honestly, as you grow older, you don't know who will come into your life, so just move along. I have a crush on a girl, yet I can never admit it. I don't see any problem with this, since I am 11 years old. If the world was separated, feminine and masculine, what would you do?

    We are all humans, yet we can forget that.

  8. I have a few friends that are girls....
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  9. I find it REALLY hard to make friends - I have 6 of them, and those friends are the result of my blood and sweat (literally). Except my crush, she was kind of awkward around me at first and then we got comfortable with eachother xD
    pgoubert likes this.
  10. I have had experiance with this... And yes it does crash and burn... or becomes really awkward, espically when one of you get another bf/gf
  11. You are going through a very natural part of growing up. Don't get discouraged, you are going to grow up to be a great person as long as you choose to. Life is not easy, believe me. Anyone who says it is has never really lived.

    If this girl finds a boyfriend in a few months or a few years and it isn't you, don't get upset. You should find yourself a girlfriend when you are ready, and if it isn't this girl, keep your friendship strong. Many friends turn out to be wonderful partners later in life. Sometimes a spouse, sometimes the one to give your virginity to and sometimes the friend who will take a bullet for you.

    Just take life easy. Study as much as you can. Women want intellect. Girls want the "bad-boy". When you get older, the women you will desire are not interested in a "bad-boy" anymore. They want a man who can provide for his family, protect them and keep them mentally engaged. If you are just a pretty piece of meat, they will leave you for the next one that comes along. This is a bit advanced information but yes, in the end smart guys win. :)

    Also, don't dwell on negative thoughts. If you feel so lonely, get involved in sports or clubs, volunteer, join a local youth group. Go to the YMCA, or whatever else is nearby. If you enjoy books, go to the library and find someone with similar interests. You will learn how to be social by being social. It will be awkward in the beginning, but eventually you will get better with time. However, if you don't find new interests, you will have nothing to discuss and then you wont hold anyones attention. :)
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  12. Really? I have a lot of friends, heres a tip. Try to socialize with each other. Enjoy a laugh, and more.

    Well, I don't want this to sound really awkward like I am an 11 year old (oh wait >.>) so I'll just stop here.
  13. You're twelve. Don't over-complicate your life.
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. I hate sports, because i'm crap at everything to do with exercise and get laughed at or bullied everytime I do sport. All the youth clubs around my town are full of weird children I don't get along with. I like to read books, but find most of them quite boring after awhile xD

    I've tried to find new interests, and the only interest i've ever had is gaming. My best friend is the only person I know who games as much as I do, who listens to the same type of music, has the same problems as me... I'm stuck in a nutshell :D
  15. Too late.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  16. well i really liked this girl.
    i got really close to her as a friend.
    so close i thought she might like me back.
    i asked her out and she said she didnt like guys.
    then it became really awkward between us.
    you can either try to have it not be awkward between you two and try to force it back to normal
    or keep trying for her.
    it does hurt like hell for a bit but gets better little by little.
  17. Hurt like hell? I'm upset over many, many, MANY, different things.
  18. "Time won't heal, it just buries the pain and slowly changes form." - Swallow the Sun
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  19. I'm a male, and all the males at my school really don't like me, so i'm kind of a "ladies man", if you know what i mean ;)
    And yes, males and females can be friends
  20. i had tons of mess going on also im just talking about the current subject