Bad Luck Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mlooowe, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Uh...This is supposed to be YOUR bad luck. >.>
  2. I can't think of anything... :(
  3. Ahh ok. :)
  4. I have a putting green in my basement. Friday my friend and I were playing "hockey" there and I backed up into a open hole. My foot managed to bend into it and my big toe touched against the top of my foot. I am almost certain it is broken. :confused:
  5. "I think I broke my foot, better not see a doctor about it." :p
  6. It happens way to many times to remember, I hit my pinky toe on every corner of every damn thing!
  7. I'm not hating, but sorry I had to. I cannot resist the irony.
    jkjkjk182, Jcplugs, L0tad and 5 others like this.
  8. So you're telling me you never cussed as a kid?
  9. I am 14, and I do; Just never openly, and none the less at age twelve.
  10. Just happen to me:

    My two friends and me were going to the mall to buy some games at gamestop. Im in the back seat legs propped up to the side and im leaning on the window and seat. Next thing i know im thrown against the passenger side seat and thrown to the floor half way by dangling on my seat belt. I hear a huge bang so i jump up as fast as I can to my friend laughing because he was doing 100 and texting (hes an idiot) hit the breaks for a stupid cat and the big bang was my other friend flying forward into the dash board -_-. Lets just say I almost took his phone and threw it out the window.
  11. me and my friend were bridge jumping into a river (everyone does). We both jumped in and i got a cut all up my leg
    (no stitches thank god)
    Oh and the worse part is when i got home i stepped on a lego
  12. I misplaced lost my Empire Firework.
    MissMadison910 likes this.
  13. Me at 6: I had a friend over and we were hanging out, when I decided that I would impress him by running and doing a backflip off the ladder to the top of my bunk bed. So I sprinted toward the ladder and jumped onto it and off it very fast to do a backflip. I ended up backflopping into half carpet, half tile and then the ladder tipped backwards and I watched from the ground as it fell into my face.
    TomvanWijnen and PandasEatRamen like this.
  14. Another time at 6: My brother and I were playing hide and seek and he ran around a corner into his room. When I chased him I slipped off tile and went face first into the wall. After 5 seconds I got up, shrugged, and continued chasing my brother. After my mom saw the wall, it had to be removed, my face made a dent in the wall in the shape of my face. I MUST BE CHUCK NORRIS.
  15. Me at 7: My family and I had gone to an Indian reservation (Modernized) and we decided that we wanted to go swimming in the creek. We swam for about an hour, and then we decided it was time to leave. We were crossing the wood bridge over the creek when my brother said "Catch me if you can!" And so I chased after him. When I was running, wrapped up in a towel, I hit a wood plank and face planted into the bridge. I ended up killing my front two teeth and I had to live with my front two teeth grey and black until they fell out and I grew adult teeth.
    PandasEatRamen and Nole972 like this.
  16. In year 5, two little kids pushed me off the back of the sit-up benches. They were in my littlest brother's year. I fell forward, on my left arm and guess what? I broke my arm :/ Never trust the play equipment. Or little kids...
    PandasEatRamen and Nole972 like this.
  17. When I was 17 or 18 I took a Greyhound Bus to visit a friend in Pennsylvania. Of course the routes are stupid so we went from Kentucky to Missouri and then through Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. We got to Columbus, Ohio and the driver (who had been a jerk the whole time) decided that we were too disrespectful and he wasn't driving us any further. We waited for six hours before they could find another driver and then found out the previous driver had picked up people not even on our route, but the new driver was nice enough to take them to West Virgina etc. By 6am the next day I got dropped off in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania only to find out that they had changed the schedule the day before and my bus had left 20 minutes before I got to the station. I then had to sit from 6am-4pm and deal with some extremely crazy people. On the way back home they sent my luggage backwards so then it took forever to get it back.

    Two years ago Brit came down for a visit. She took the bus and we were texting the whole way checking in and whatnot. She got to Raleigh, North Carolina and they had changed the schedules or something and so she was going to be stuck there for like 12 hours. We hopped in the car, got gas and headed to Raleigh. Everything was fine blahblah. Fast forward to the next Monday and we're at Atlantic Beach. Had just had lunch, herpin' n derpin' in the water, getting beaten up by waves etc. We get out and walk along the beach getting shells, then decide to go since time flew and it turned out we had been in the water for 3-5 hours. Walking up the beach and suddenly WHOMP! Waking up on a backboard, being put in an ambulance, back is killing me, I'm being told to eat this crappy lemon flavored tube of what looks like clear toothpaste, "you passed out at the beach, blood sugar is at like 35" all I could do is cry because 1. My back is hurting so bad I can't stand it and I'm strapped down to the dang stretcher 2. Embarrassed as heck and afraid I ruined Brit's vacation. I was sick as a dog for the next three days.
  18. Please, please, do move house...
  19. Sorry to bump this, just need to post here since we've had a month of bad luck.

    March 1st, Beej (Hubby) is on his way to work as usual. Dept. of Forestry truck slams on breaks and halts an 18-wheeler in front of him and he plows into the back of it and totals the car. He misses work that weekend and then spends the next week trying to find a new car. His co-worker and friend Tim is helping him out. They travel nearly an hour away to look at one car and even tell the guy that they will go and get the key made. He then tells them that it has Transmission problems instead of telling them before they get there. They somehow get in touch with someone else who has a car they were going to take to the Junk Yard because it looked rough. They only charged $240, it had a brand new sound system and yes looks rough, fabric missing from the roof, sun visors messed up, crack in the windshield, some dents and messed up paint spots but ran fine. They've been working on it and whatnot. All of our tax money and his paychecks have gone into that car and our bills and we've had to pawn some things.

    Today he was supposed to go to Tim's to work on it but couldn't get it to start and Tim didn't answer the phone. He finally called back and said he would just head over here after getting a part.

    So, Beej and Tim are out working on the car. I hear Tim yelling, only to look out and see flames and smoke. They begin dumping flour and water on it and finally got it out. Tim saying the car is fried and not supposed to do that and that he should have stayed in bed, he'd been better off. I don't deal well with stuff like that so I've been sitting here all awkward and unsure and upset. It feels like my stomach is in my throat right now and I'm trying to figure out why everything wrong always happens to us.