Bad Luck Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mlooowe, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. At my camp i go to in the summer we went on a marsh walk and a lobster pinched my foot like 10 times :I
  2. Why i hate 99.9% of children and about 80% of adults >.> and people say im wrong for it.
  3. She actually told me that too. I guess that was an issue they had in the neighborhood the school sat in. People would wander in and take a snooze on the playground. :D
  4. My childhood was spent being bullied and contemplating (I turn 13 in little over a month, btw)

    When I was still in the womb, I tied a knot in my cord. Next thing you know, i'm turned into a Caesarean Baby, my heart isn't beating, my mum is losing alot of blood, I basically 'die' for 5 minutes and wake up on life support...
    The event left me with a minor heart problem in which my body doesn't handle oxygen properly. Right now it just disallows me to run for more than 30 seconds, however as I get older it could turn into something major and leave me at risk of heart attacks :(

    Most of the people in my family die of cancer. It seems to be a genetic trait...but my grandad survived and a few years later died of heart failure, so that changed... my nan also survived and in the summer of 2011 she had a stroke, but she's doing fine now if you exclude some minor memory loss - which she's always had :) Nobody in my family has been diagnosed with cancer for the past 10 years. My great grandmother (who was diagnosed with it 10 years ago) died in 2008 of cancer, though... so it's still very recently that it's stopped.

    I suffer from possible chronic or melancholic depression...or possible bipolar. My dad and mum are trying to get me checked for bipolar, soon...but according to my doctor I am only allowed to do this in 3 years, because apparently it could just be puberty throwing mood swings at me. I know for a fact that it's not puberty, because i've felt like this before I even knew what puberty was.

    Up until the age of 7 I was quite a happy child. I stepped on legos alot, though...I stepped on them so much my dad 'accidently' filmed me several times stepping on them and then screaming and crying and falling to the floor in pain....they were really, really big legos too :(
  5. I made special lego traps for my family at the bottom of the stairs during the night... I'm not alloyed lego anymore...
    My bad luck...
    I got addicted to minecraft all summer once and hardly went outside, when I did I got sunburn all over as I was surfing in shorts, went for a swim after and got my achilles tendon pretty much cut in half by a crab, while falling back I landed on a weaver fish, I was INCREDIBLY lucky and managed to get my tendon all fixed up my an amazing doctor, now I can still play rugby and if the OP didn't go well I wouldn't even be able to walk without crutches...
  6. Back when I was 16 or 17 my mom and my uncle traded my grandma's car in for one for me. I had it from then until I was 20. I'm sure if cars could really talk, that one would have told me to go fly a kite. Throughout the years I had it the engine blew up, I hit my aunt's mailbox, power steering failed as I was going down the highway, hydroplaned off a speed bump into the back of another car in the college parking lot on the way to a Math final, backed into a tree, dropped a friend off at home after work and proceeded to throw up -exorcist style- in the front seat, launched a dead squirrel up into the underside as I was driving down the road, nearly ripped the antenna off in the car wash, had a huge thing of I dunno what explode in the trunk and what finally killed it was Brit and I were on the way back from Wal Mart and K-Mart trying to find her a Halloween costume. It was 7pm, dark and we were headed down the highway (we had to drive 30-45 mins to get to the nearest walmart in the next town) and we had just avoided hitting the idiot walking in the dark, I pulled the lever to change my lights to bright and suddenly BLAM, the hood is over the windshield, I hear what sounds like a jet engine, peeking under the gap in the hood and engine I see hooves flying around, something scratch across the top of the car and down the side. I had hit this giant Buck and it peeled my hood apart like a sardine can, flipped it over the windshield and his antlers and hooves scratched up my car.
    MissMadison910 and Creeper655 like this.
  7. That IS unlucky...
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  8. Still never got to drink my Mr. Pibb :(
    jtc0999 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  9. Pandas reminded me of one, xD

    I was at a sleep over with four people, Me and two others were asleep on the bed while two more were on the floor. At about 1 am everyone is screaming bloody murder and trying to run for it, were getting beat to death by something thin and metal. Trying to get off the bed me and a friend got tangled in the covers just fell off the side of the bed on top of someone who then tried to punch us because she thought we were the attackers. Next thing i know a dolphin shaped lamp is being hurled by our heads, somehow still tangled (some ppl were possible dragged) we managed to get out of the room run down to the basement and turn the lights on. The person was following us and upon entering we found out it was the friend we were staying the night with, she beat us with a curtain rod it turns out, I wasnt hit but some of the others had red welts on them.

    It was a year later we all found out she had severe sleep walking condition, never had another sleep over till eight years later and that time i was forced.
    MissMadison910 likes this.
  10. There's a series of loud bangs coming from outside. Because of mad people running around with guns around here (summer of 2012 somebody was shot in the side and left in hospital for 2 months, and a police man was shot in the face and died on the scene) , i'm really scared... it's probably fireworks though.
  11. Aaaaandddd police sirens. Everywhere.
  12. We moved to Colorado when I was 8. We moved from a town, small but a town nonetheless, to the country. There was NOTHING around. So when I saw a group of kids riding bikes and jumping off jumps down the road from my house, I just knew I had to get to know them. My dad unpacked my bike and told me to have fun making friends. I tore up the driveway and looked down the road to the bottom of the large hill that marks the location of my parents house. To this day ask where they live, all you have to say is at the top of the hill and people will just nod.
    Anyway, I take a breath and start to peddle and before I know it, I am flying, no quite literally flying. See, I started down the hill, tried to pull my brake, it didn't work, tried to drag my feet, that didn't work, so I pulled the front brake at the same time I hit a mailbox. Up, up and away I went. I landed with a THUD and skidded about 100 yards on my knees, elbows and chin. My bike was wrecked, I was wrecked. A nice lady drove me home, bleeding in the bed of her pickup. Had to wait to make friends until I healed and until my bike got fixed. But...I got scabs. And when you're an 8 year old boy, scabs are cool, so I made friends. Still won't ride my bike down that damn hill though.
  13. Back in fourth grade, we had some time to get our papers toghter, organize them, ect. My teacher handed back out Vocab quiz we took a few days before then, and i saw my grade:
    Now, this was a VERY low grade for me, for i always got the A B honor roll. I then looked at the name, and i relized that she had handed me the wrong paper. I went to her, and said that she had given me someone else's paper. She looked at it, and handed back to me.
    "Well, i don't have your paper, so that is your grade." Was her words.
    So, while someone got a 98 they didn't deserve (I found my paper a little later, but it was too late), i was stuck with a grade that i didn't deserve
    MissMadison910 likes this.
  14. Imagine going to bed on one of the first days of a school break, being all full of relief that you finally have time to relax and unwind. The next day I'm woken by my mother, who had me and my older brother join her and my middle brother in the living room and she breaks us all the news: "There has been an accident. You're dead."
    When we saw the car, the thing looked like a half crushed tin-can, the thing was a rather large vehicle with room to seat 5 people not counting the back when it was intact. There was basically 1 row of seating because of the impact.
  15. i was born
  16. Chin up, bro, whatever grievances you have, trust me, it'll turn around. :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  17. Self confidence much?
  18. He's like that. :S
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. Let me rephrase that,

    i moved to "merica
  20. When he saw a picture of Yoko Ono's great grandfather, John Lennon said, "That was me in my before life.", which Yoko responded, "Don't say that, he was assassinated." John Lennon was later shot and killed.