Auction: SMP2 Dragon egg !!!!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by MR2R2M, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Lol "DUDE" Since you are not a supporter it puts you out of the running, its way out of your monetary ability. Supporters get their money paid back to them automatically.

    "Dude" I recommend you downgrade and just be patient until bukkit updates and the server can make the transition to 1.2.3. "Dude" I took the courtesy to find you a 1.1 Jar...

    So "dude" next time don't upgrade if you want to still play on the server.
  2. Bownz i will split the prize, and we can have an end museum on my res @4317, I already have the shell of an endstone building that platypus364 is building me
  3. I made 60K as a non two days...
  4. Mate I aint being nasty, he called me dude, that aint very nice, so I did the same, take a chill pill yo.
  5. Dude... Is an insult to you??? Duuuuddddeeeee.
    apamment likes this.
  6. So just to be sure, exactly what date and time does the auction end?
  7. Grow up mate
  8. Look for this post, and add 7 days to it :)
  9. But it's like saying mate, or bro, or bud, or anything. It's not an insult, and he didn't make it out to be one :)
  10. guys don't fight jackomighty and MR2R2M
  11. Ok well what it essentially comes down to, is that he was the one that chose to update his minecraft NOT me. So why come here and say, "im not going to be apart of you auction now " He also made it sound like his minecraft just automatically updated... ha, when pigs can fly. It actually prompts you as to whether you want to update your minecraft or not. Bottom line is HE made the decision NOT me. He must bare consequences not me, no need to come here and say what he said.
  12. Me and 333kirby bid 90k, we'll split the price evenly, and anyone who wishes to join our money pool can, I'll add you to our PM conversation. We are all splitting the cost evenly. The egg will be held at a museum we will make.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  13. 90k to Xx's smp2 group :D
    XxBoWnZxX666 likes this.
  14. Standing here - Watching a conversation.... * Stares at my 11k * Sigh... - Goes to next thread.
  15. lol, its ok mate :)
  16. i wish i play on smp2 but i play at smp1 i have 133,000 k money iam non supporter
  17. If you ahve enough, and wish to bid go ahead, theres no reason why an smp1 player cant buy it. Just make sure if you own it, you say its the smp2 egg :)
  18. i worked hard for this money i think ill hold on to it :) i thought you cant transfer dragon eggs across servers
    when i would have it i becomes a smp1 egg :)
  19. whats the highest bid at the mo? 80k?
  20. 90k to Xx's group :)