As of 17 hours and 13 minutes ago, I am 16*! Ask me anything!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 72Volt, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Probably the birthday party I was thrown at the NR last year. Even though the New Republic was sort of crumbling at the time, it was really encouraging to see the community unite to give me a really cool day. :)

    Other than that, my favourite memories would probably include:
    - asking in chat as a noob "How much is dirt worth on this server?" I saw I had like, a whole res full of it, and saw a get-rich-quick opportunity.
    - Trying to build a cobble wall around the Reset Area on SMP5. I wanted to expand it into a full Wild border, with an entire community inside it, dedicated to rescuing people in the wild.
    - Getting a guy kicked for badmouthing me and my business, and later seeing him banned for charging back his supporter payment.
    - Building an awful cobble shop. Making a wood cafe below. Making a sandstone stock exchange above (had like 2 participating businesses), having a tree farm at the height limit. This was before the days of RTS, so it took AGES to climb that ladder...
    - Getting kicked by ISMOOCH for use of the word 'shit', which is now considered mild language under the rules. I won't be retrospectively suing, Smooch, don't worry ;)
    - Coming back to EMC. I rage quit after the lava wall dispute, as people were ostracising me. I came back trying to promote a cross-server communist clan. Later split from the communist clan and started my own thing. People were so fed up with these projects, the likes of Battmeghs and Dwight resorted to filling whole pages of the thread about them eating popcorn while watching my miserable failure.
    - Gaining a reputation for being an economist. I've literally read 3, maybe 4 books on economics, and everyone considers me an economic god. People also assume I'm an expert on prices. "72volt what price will diamnds b nxt wek", "wat is the melun econmy lyk", etc, etc. For the record, there's no such thing as a melon economy. The correct language is 'market for melons'. Talking to you, Nick.
    - L0tad. Oh, what fun I had with L0tad, my fellow madman. First, we wanted to start our own outpost. Inside the LLO. But separate from the LLO. Yes. Like Lesotho. I intended to surround it with a cobble wall, but alas, it was never to be. I tagged along with him in his Gangnam project instead, and helped him keep his cool when the community raged at him.
    - The LSCC. A secret society! With 2 members, me and Mizzo12 (who is now AlarmGoesBeep, he gave Mizzo12 to his sister). And SoulPunisher, but he never came. We wanted to have a huge cobblestone fortress in the middle of the ocean, with half of the fortress devoted to factories, and the other half devoted to creative works in our own private city. We got as far as quarrying out half of the hole, then Alarm died, and never came back.
    - The NR! Finally, a successful project! For a few months anyway. We left behind a positive legacy with a bustling collection of East SMP9 outposts, and we got bigger than Pazzo! Shame we couldn't rival the LLO.
    - Duperia! A wild project in SMP2, following a long hiatus from the wild. I decided to discontinue it, in favour of:

    607 and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  2. Same.
  3. myself as well
  4. Wow, didn't even realise you were talking to me, mind derp.

    Most of the silly stuff I've done has been directed at Christians, back when I was a radical atheist. Insane manifestos and all that.
    607 likes this.
  5. Invite me to your sweet 16 pl0x
  6. Who did you end up selling your soul to?
    You didn't cancel it, or did you?
  7. I think I technically sold it to some guy who wanted me to write a report on Mere Christianity for selling my soul to him. He gave me like 0.1BTC upfront, and wanted to give me another 0.1BTC afterwards, but was unsatisfied with what I produced.

    Joke's on him, anyway. Show me where in Northern Irish law there are property rights on the ownership of souls. Ha.
    607 likes this.
  8. Didn't really have one, just went out with my family to dinner :)
  9. Would you rather build 100 duck sized lava walls or build one lava wall sized duck?
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. 100 duck sized lava walls. Why would I want a duck, even if it was the size of a lava wall?
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Because they're cool. :cool:
    And cute.
    And yellow, sometimes.
    And they remind me of OrangeDuck.
    But I suppose 100 duck sized lava walls would be better.
  12. Happy BDAY!

    Now my questions!
    1) If you could 'undo' something that you have done on EMC, would you change anything you have done in the past? Or would you have done everything the exact same, knowing you will be where you are today?

    2) What do you think of the real world geopolitical economic policies for todays middle class blue collared workers? :p

    3) Where are you going out to eat for ur b-day?
  13. 1. Probably that second thing.
    2. Yes.
    3. I went to a nice place!
    highlancer54 and mba2012 like this.