Apocalypse: Dark Days.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MEINCRAVTA, May 3, 2012.

  1. Allan sends Sean to get jason, while he heads out to look for survivors. He finds spencer with a bunch of weapons, and then heads into a house, only to find James. Allan gives James and M4A1 Carbine with 3 magazines to protect himself.
    S_R_L_B likes this.
  2. Current survivors at the military base:
    • Sean
    • Allan
    • Jason
    • Jeremy
    • Dylan
    • Joe
    • Spenser
    • James
    EB Johnson is still out there. I think you guys can control your own paths by now, find out what you want to do, work with each other. I will kind of be on standby.
  3. Allan needs 3 people to go out and find 2x4s to hold up the gate, go through the back entrance. We need to keep this military base safe from zombies. James, do you want to go seek out another civilization? We haven't gone north yet.
  4. Survivors. I knew they weren't far. Today I had some actually stop by! I think I may tag along. When I heard the door open all i could think was "Please, not them. I can afford it to be them". There was this one. His name was Allan I think? He gave me a gun. Nice guy seeing he can spare supplies for someone he just met. I need a cure. Not just for me. But for the world!
  5. Allan invites James back to the military base. "We have food, weapons, and lots of protection. There's about 7 of us, and theres a lab that they used before the outbreak to find cures for diseases. You in?"
  6. Allan asked today If i wanted to go North. I have to think about this one. Who knows what could be out there? Survivors or more of those "Things". I think I will go along. What do i have to lose?
  7. Allan, Spencer, and James head back north to the military base. He asks james. "Spencer says he's a sniper, good protection. Do you guys want to go out and find some 2x4's to hold the gate?" Allan and Sean go south to look for more survivors, while Jason, Jeremy, Dylan, and Joe protect the base.
  8. I Think I will go along with Allan and the others I will be a good help in picking off targets at a distance and giving covering fire.
  9. I hear someone named Spencer s a good sniper. But can we really trust just one guy with a gun? I want to go find some 2x4 but, only If i know there's good protection
  10. I have decided to go with you all on the condition that we head south for the 2x4s and to find more survivors
    There is also a small military checkpoint that was overrun at the start of the infection in that direction. I recommend checking it out as we could find weapons and ammo there
  11. Allan decides that he, sean, and Spencer will all go with James to look for 2x4s', drop them off at the base, then head south.
  12. We have lots of weapons, but there may be hostile military survivors there, as most of them want to kill everything that moves. We are sticking to the plan above, heading down to Atlanta.
  13. Alright then Atlanta it is
  14. As we started to head off. The sun set. Night was upon us. There is no turning back now. With a few other guys with me. I think we can take the Zombies. But I think I should have stayed at camp and tried to find a cure. Allan really wanted to head out. But I cant say no to the guy that saved me? Can I?
  15. I begin to wonder if James is hiding somthing from us ...."has he been bitten?"
    S_R_L_B likes this.
  16. The men find their way into a school, called Early Dawn Elementary. They walk in, and hear guns pointed their way in the darkness. "WHOS THERE? ARE YOU INFECTED?" someone yells from the dark. Spenser says "You pointing those guns at us, you better be willing to pull the trigger!" Allan elbows Spenser in the arm, and says "We are looking for survivors, we are holed up at the old military base." A shot rings out and Allan goes down, firing his M4 at the darkness. The lights come on, and all across the upper walkway, are bandits with weapons. Allan is under fire, along with the others, and gets on his radio to call the guys. Static.
  17. James rushes to Allan. Only to see that he has been badly wounded. The gun shots. They will draw in the infected!
    We need to go! But we cant leave Allan behind? I'm only 1 man. I cant move him. All I can do Is fire back!
    Theres no answer from the radio. Where are they!
  18. I look around at the bandits and see that there are about 2 dozen of them
    The bandits have acquired a large amount of food weapons and ammo.
    I notice that they also have a drum....a drum filled with gasoline
    I tell James to cause a distraction so I can shoot the drum
  19. Allan rolls a can of food across the floor, and they, thinking that there is a bomb in it, shoot the can. Sean comes to help James pull Allan out of the School while the explosions ring out behind them. Spenser comes out, and tells the rest of us to go down 3 blocks, as there is a hospital we can find help at.
  20. Spenser wants to shoot the drum. It will take out some bandits. But the Zombies are coming. I know they are. I can just "Feel" it. I finally get to move Allan. He inst looking to well. But we aren't that far away from the base. We need help. Now.