Anti-Griefing Update

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Lava will still consume entities, and the sparks will ignite blocks but the flame will not consume them.
    Palmsugar likes this.
  2. So this only applies to frontier, right?
  3. Wastelands too, as players especially should not be destroying Forests in the Wastelands....
    cadgamer101 and dresden72 like this.
  4. Hmm, what about fires started by lightning strikes?
  5. Vanilla behavior has been sacrificed in order to promote building instead.

    But it might not stay this way, so players shouldn't expect this update to be in forever once the wild claiming systme is in place, but it might still stick around.
  6. What a good idea !!! :)
  7. And so ends my practice of putting villages that I discover, and take the locals from, to the torch.
  8. Thanks! Great update! :D
  9. I thought about this, and why would we Not get our valuables back?
    At least the most valuable ones.

    If they are logged, then it should be known who placed the block/s and who griefed the block/s.
    So, Sr Staff or Admin can recover the item/s stolen and return them, right?
  10. If it's possible to recover them from the guilty player, then possibly.
    But nothing would get spawned in to replace lost items.
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  11. Thanks to everyone who helped with this update! I can now fix the head farm and actually have hope of people NOT stealing hoppers...
  12. I too would like to try and return items to players lost to griefers/thieves. Though obviously only items we have evidence of missing, as we can't just take players words for things.

    Few drawbacks to doing so are:
    1. It's not always possible to return a players items, as they may have been lost, used, passed on by the griefer. And staff cannot reclaim them easily. Which means some players may get stuff back, some not, and those that don't will NOT be very happy that others did.
    2. If staff did simply spawn in blocks to replace those stolen, they are effectively duplicated, which means somewhere in the world, those other blocks exist. It's possible a player can scam their way into duplicating blocks by having a player grief it all, hide the blocks, or give them to someone, then staff replace all the items, and the griefed player has double everything. (Not very likely, as who would have an account banned just to duplicate some blocks?)
    3. Some blocks are logged, some are not. By replacing the blocks that were griefed/stolen, we are basically saying these blocks were logged, so here you are. And now you know what blocks are logged. :)
    If you have any convincing arguments to why stuff should, or can, return griefed items, please let me know. :)
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  13. Perhaps, but the problem lies in the expectation. Staff may or may not be able to issue 'refunds' of stolen or destroyed items or repo them from unknowing players who bought them from the greifer without knowing. It's a big can of worms and if we do it for one person, then we are playing favorites if we don't do it for everyone, and on, and on, and on. We only have so much staff and their time is already in high demanded.

    At the moment we are saying there is no promise that your things will be returned, use common sense when you leave items unprotected.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  14. Ninjaboy has a thread where you can post when you're griefed, right?
  15. Yay! thx now when I get greifed I can just tell a staff 10 secs latter banned that player that griefed me -D
  16. Awesome! Nice work. :cool:
  17. So there wasn't even a poll on this? :/
  18. Aikar must've forgotten about the people who like to be greifed, hm, I guess they'll have to put up with not being griefed for a while
  19. I mean some contraptions require burning blocks.
  20. Like what?
    AliceF3 likes this.