Actual Things I Had To Say To Luckygreenbird Today

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BurgerKnight, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. April 4, 2018

    "OK, see, I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop touching my neck like that."

    "Can you stop singing Skyrim show tunes?"

    "The birds live inside your heart. Along with your tapeworm."
  2. woah

    just woah

    *Loudly yells the Pirates of the Caribbean theme*
    BurgerKnight and MoreMoople like this.
  3. Tapeworm? Ewwww :confused:
    NuclearBobomb and BurgerKnight like this.
  4. Somehow stopped getting alerts from this. Hopefully it'll start again now.
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  5. The worst thing about my on-again off-again break from EMC is missing out on this thread. smh
  6. May I ask why you were shaking a can of nickles while hissing?
    BurgerKnight and MoreMoople like this.
  7. Do you ever really need a reason to shake a can of nickles at someone while hissing :p
  8. Yes, you do
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  9. To get him off my stairs.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  10. April 5, 2018

    "No, these are fat rolls, they won't balance out the cinnamon on those buns."

    "$@&* @#%&^ %#@#@ %@#@$&." (censored bcuz of naughty language)

    "No, you smell like chili."
  11. "$@&* @#%&^ %#@#@ %@#@$&" Is a really long naughty word
  12. I had to make up my own to accurately represent the depth of my hatred.
  13. Time to practice my necromancy and revive this thread. If you don't like it, blame Kephras for saying how much he enjoyed it.

    March 1, 2019

    "Mac and sneeze is not part of a balanced diet."

    "'I smell pennies' is not a proper greeting."

    "I'm not releasing pheromones, you're just imagining things."
    khixan, padde73, Starsphere and 9 others like this.
  14. We were overdue for a summoning ritual anyway.
    khixan, Tbird1128, padde73 and 8 others like this.
  15. *Ghasp*
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  16. I will never get tired of this thread xD
    khixan and BurgerKnight like this.
  17. This thread, like disco, will never die
  18. Still best thread to ever exist
    khixan and BurgerKnight like this.
  19. Permanently pin this to the front page ;)