A New Computer

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Crazy1080, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Robots arent state of the art, you are behind in your times if you think they are.
  2. It is the techniques they use.
  3. ... Which is robots. If they were state of the art, they would be using micro-organisms to build the computers. Nanotechnology. Thats state of the art. I bet "robots" means "unhappy chinese working 20+ hours a day" in Apple.
  4. What? Shoving a CPU MOBO RAM HDD into a case plugging it all in and then sticking it in a box?
    nerone94 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. Oh you dont understand. They had to radically change the setup, so that it flips the iPhone around so that they can put the headphone jack on the bottom! State. Of. The. Art!
    HylianNinja and nerone94 like this.
  6. I give up.
  7. Nikola Tesla FTW
  8. That's nothing! I heard it has to turn it upside down to package it!
    HylianNinja and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. I'm trying to figure out if that's supposed to be a joke or an insult.
  10. Exactly.
    HylianNinja likes this.
  11. Not trying to br negative or anything, but I think he WAS trying to insult you O.O
  12. I am pretty sure it was a joke.
    nerone94 likes this.
  13. Idk...sorry... Its hard to tell over the internet..
  14. My thread will never be the same.
  15. People people people. It is ok to bring in specs and things like that when discussing Mac vs PC, but manufacturing conditions? This is something neither company will ever be able to be good at, because both are huge organisations that employ thousands of chinese, korean and malay workers. They employ anywhere that is cheap.
    And why do they employ there? A. For the money, but also because the people want to work.

    The people in the villages surrounding the factories can often become dependant on a single factory for the majority of it's employment. That way these companies can keep their workers earning less but keep them employed. If they were to leave that area, there would be massive poverty as each factory employs thousands.
    Apple is no better than any companies licensing PC products. And PC is no better than apple either. Their factories are 24/7 workhouses where workers eat, sleep and work. More often these days you will see suicide nets lining the exterior of the factories, things can get that bad. So just be grateful for what these people create for you, out of their own sweat and blood.

    The average wage to work at one of these factories is $1.78, think about that when you get $10 an hour for babysitting.
  16. Its cause Apple is generally viewed as "all good" and "pure" when the truth is that they are as bad or worse than anyone else. They told the world lies about the conditions, and even the current Apple fanatics believe, after all the evidence.
  17. Nobody lied about anything. There is no conspiracy. It's just the world we live in.
  18. AMD! I've got a Phenom II 6-core OC'd to 4ghz. Built my own PC tho
  19. One of the lucky ones, its too bad they stopped making them:/
  20. I know! I got the black edition too :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.