A look at /shopworld

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. That would be Maxarias' head by the fire. She was the billing manager for a while if I recall correctly.
    It's an invisible block parkour, isn't it.
  2. She was community manager alongside myself for a while, then moved into billing management, then off completely. Just to clarify that.

    And no, it's not :rolleyes:
  3. No barrier parkour? :C
    607, jacob5089 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  4. Please don't tempt fate like that :D
    607, Gawadrolt and Carbonyx like this.
  5. It's, uh, um... a metaphor about life? How even under beauty and new growth emptiness for that which is lost may still persist, for the memory of the heart is long?


    (Didn't think anyone would think to enderpearl through a wall to find it... Oops)
    Please, I'm not capable of being that evil. :p
    This is old; there used to be a UFO above the desert Empire Shop that was put there to house the new 1.7 items; it just made a crash landing. ;)
    SirTah, RainbowPony, 607 and 6 others like this.
  6. Krysyy is, though :D
    *wink wink nudge nudge*
    NuclearBobomb and Krysyy like this.
  7. *opens up laptop*

    Help anyone?
  8. I know two things:
    • The sandstorm was one of the least effective sandstorms I have seen
    • That UFO has a low tolerance against sand
  9. The Empire archaeological society worked double time to uncover the remains of the old shop. They had a lot of 5 hour energy. :D
    SirTah, Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and 3 others like this.
  10. Oh, so Aikar's assimilated you too?
    NuclearBobomb and lottie1664 like this.
  11. Proof that aliens have been here before...

    But when I checked the crash site this evening, I noticed something most disturbing. .. the emergency hatch was opened on the saucer.

    I think it a wise course of action to be alert for any strange goings on now. We don't know the aliens true intent for their "Visit" yet.
  12. Maybe a new alien mini boss will appear ;)
    lottie1664, ShelLuser and Kytula like this.
  13. Okay, that's really, really cool!
    I had hoped for the old shop to still be accessible as an easter egg when I read that it was going to be removed, but I actually forgot to look for a way there!
    jacob5089 and ShelLuser like this.
  14. They've just come to take me back home...
  15. I was gonna say Hash, but that works too. =P
    Kephras, Hashhog and jacob5089 like this.
  16. This thread is very old.. yes, I know. And I also seriously dislike bumping (honest).

    BUT... this topic came up today, and it reminded me how much I love this server for keeping secrets and puzzles like this around. And so... This will be the only time I'm doing this: the bump!

    You know, in remembrance of the old shop and all :)
    607 likes this.