Hi gang! So apparently Aikars computer exploded, then he got a repair kit (and some super glue!), worked up some Aikar magic (the same we all know and love!) and then something happened It came alive! My first look at /shopworld Please disregard the modded stuff, I was about to process the order of a player (using a certain mod) when we got the in-game announcement. As you probably know /shop is a thing of the past. No more overpriced items, no more "scamming newbies" ( ) and if you try using it you'll be teleported to a random player shop (comparable to /v +shop). So now we have /shopworld. When a new promo is released and available for purchase then this is the place to go to from here on. Totally not showing off the texture pack which can even display fog on older hardware But did you know that /shopworld has a secret? I was checking out as much as I could and discovered 2 things... Barrier blocks and.... And found something I did indeed. It seems I found the ancient EMC temple which might contain tons of ancient lore on our beloved server Or maybe... maybe my fantasy is now taking over and I simply found a very cool hidden place Welcome to the /shopworld So this might definitely be something to look out for. I did take the liberty of removing most obvious clues to the location of this place, but I think I did leave in enough hints to find it nonetheless. This is really something else!
I just checked this out, its really cool I also found this lil secret the first attempt to find it lol
Shiy, LBoss & me just found the resting place to the old shop! That is: Shiyvah found it and we tagged along But, my fellow EMC'ers, I bring you grave news indeed. Because it also seems the aliens have landed on EMC! Better recount your cows to see if some got taken by a tractor beam! This is awesome!
More pics coming up, because my friend AncientTower showed us the ancient ways to escape the magical boundaries of the shop. We just visited the old tomb in the Sphinx THIS is what makes EMC such an awesome server IMO. Stuff to discover, things to admire and having fun! Right now, time of writing
When AncientTower showed us the ancient ways to escape the old shop the three of us (Aya soon joined us though ) set out to explore. This world is amazing. First we discovered things like an oasis, the things we showed above and.... what is that hill in the distance? Could it be.... On the 'wrong' side of the fence Yes my friends, /shopworld is basically a new teleport to a different location in the old shopping world (I wonder how they came up with the name though? ). Of course my theory is better: the aliens finally landed near the pyramids and the sphinx forcing Aikar and the staff to let go of the old shop and create a new smaller world instead. But little did those aliens knew that our beloved staff always has a plan B, in this case hidden back doors We found more of course. Fortunately for us Aya threw down a rope so that we could climb back up We found altars devoted to players long gone: Anyone recognize the face? We've seen evidence that programmers have been here before us: AND we decided to check out the UFO one more time: Then I got hungry and ate some chorus fruit: This world is amazing!
Lol, that is ages old. The only thing that changed in the old shop world is the sandstorm knocked the ufo out of the sky and it crashed into the dunes. That and the removal of the buy signs. Everything else is preserved as it was.
That is the behind the scenes look into how build team makes unique rooms quickly, such as the dome staff room, a special attraction made possible because Hash forgets to close things back up when he's done.
After attempting to get out of the world, I saw a pyramid in the distance (I took this screenshot while falling). There are barrier blocks at the top of the barrier block wall to prevent people like me from getting out. Also, I found a barrier block you could stand on, and I saw the end of the world. I found the secret room, too.