7 days exactly.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Hey I'm black, there were rumors in 5th grade that in the local middle school the teachers were racists but they were, they were all very nice, no bullies, and I have slot of homework, but I have art class to look forward to everyday.

    As for bullies, had one through 4th grade and that was it, they were 2 mean snotty girls.
    But for the rest of the years, no bullies, I will stand up and fight someone if needed.
  2. My schools idea of bullies is name calling. People will tell you their going to fight you after school, but you can simply walk out, and nothing will happen. AKA, my school is full of douchebags who think their intimating but really have no will to fight.
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. It was his jaw and knee. And filing assault charges against stairs? Unlikely chance of winning. :p
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  4. I meant the bullies...
  5. -4 days until school starts. The home work is already pouring in....

    PS: I'm in middle school
  6. Oh oops. You could have separated those thoughts…
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  7. At my school we all love each other...
    ... MOSTLY!
    Well sort of anyway.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. At my school you only find three kinds of people. Awesome minecraft playing code gurus(like me); dirty minded people and some random idiots who only know how to put some stick on lips on someones back(not my back though). The worst that has happened at my school injury wise from bullying is someone had their hand broken. And I am just wondering are you male or female?
  10. At my school all the cool kids like dubstep and minecraft and skiing!
    And I am one of them!!!
    The only violence Is ever between us year 8's and 99.99% of the time it is through rugby or wrestling we are proud kiwis!!
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  11. They are really dumb to call you that probably just jellos.
    At my school you would be normal.
    I have 4 or 5 freinds that are girls.
    I have 10 freinds that are boys.
    And I have tons of frends here in emc!
    mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  12. Me too i go back on wednesday :(
  13. Not where I live...
    You can get a forced apology though!
  14. Off topic but at the moment I am listening to centapide by knife party.
    Great song!
    penfoldex likes this.
  15. Geez u guys have it so rough... My school there's no bullying at all!!!
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. :)I love pandas!
  17. People in my highschool threaten to unhinge my jaw again but you don't even need to turn up :p Plus I know kickboxing now.
    DarkDashEST and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  18. Yeah! Kickboxing!
    NINJATTILA and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  19. Only in New Jersey.
  20. I did when my jaw was broken. NOBODY has even tried to have a fight with me since september.
    DarkDashEST likes this.