7 days exactly.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. no one is 12 in 8th grade at my school:confused:
  2. But in what country are you?
  3. i just started school this monday.. :(
  4. Starpuncher goes back to school on tuesday, I go back on wednesday but do no work until the following monday XD
    DarkDashEST likes this.
  5. Dude you just made me want to move to where ever you live and go to your school. Not to sound creeper or anything but those are all of my favorite things in the WORLD
    mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  6. I started school last monday
  7. They call you homosexual, because you hang out with girls. If you are a guy, which I am assuming you are based on the treatment your getting, someone explain to me, how, for [REDACTED](I put that :p)'s sake, are you homo?
  8. Can you beatbox Soul? Drop some beats on the bullies heads and mak em' runaway screaming like little chipmunks that just got smacked up 'side there noggin'!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  9. Me, I'm going back to school this Tuesday -_- The worst thing about my school is my whole family has gone their and my mom used to work there so I have all these expectations and stuff because my whole family is like geniuses -_-
  10. Yea, im in the same boat.
  11. I'm in the other boat, my brother was an athlete, and it's easier to count the sports I like then the sports I hate.The answer to the sports I like is 3.
  12. Yes, i'm a guy xP They say i'm a homo because i'm good looking, I hang out with girls (even the popular guys do that so they're hypocrites) and I have a soft spot for animals. I'm also smarter than them but I have a disability so i'm degraded from that too.
    DarkDashEST likes this.
  13. I can free style like a bomb!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  14. I start on Tuesday. This will be me on Tuesday:

    1. Wake up and stay in bed as long as I can.
    2. Eat something
    3. Go to the crap shack
    4. Get out my Ipod and play The Bealtes.
    5. Pray to god that I cant over hear all the girls screaming at the top of their lungs about how they missed each other so much.
    6. Go to class
    7. More classes
    8. Locker break
    8. Classes
    9. Recess
    10. More classes

    AKA, it will be a boring day.

    I will also be, hopefully, wearing one of these shirts.

    AKA, shirts that most people wont know what there referencing.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  15. In Australia we have it good. You have those bullies and their many girlfriends ( Bulllies as well) and those Idiots but other than that it's great with _Stads_ pleasebegetle radda12345six and lubica :)

    EDIT: Bullying is mainly rumors and it can Impact more than you think
  16. Love the back to the future one ;)