[50k Giveaway/AMA] Two Years of Fendy!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by FDNY21, Nov 25, 2014.


Money split? (Higher the sum, lesser the chance)

1 person winning 50k 17 vote(s) 41.5%
2 persons winning 25k 14 vote(s) 34.1%
5 persons winning 10k 4 vote(s) 9.8%
10 persons winning 5k 6 vote(s) 14.6%
  1. I really appreciate your answers to random's questions 9, 13 & 14 ^.^

    1. Do you regularly wear a watch?
    2. Do you drink soda? Coffee? Tea? Or just water and milk?
    3. What do you think of this car? http://jkclassics.nl/?page_id=174 (Volvo Amazon Station) And the 740 GLE? http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/10963704/img/2012-auto%27s/Volvo-740-GLE-BorderMaker.jpg We've owned both of them, and I really love them. (the second picture is ours, the first link I just found on the internet)
    4. Do you like going to school?
    5. Do you like my current Piwi picture?
    6. What current projects do you have in your life?
    7. Have you ever met someone from EMC in real life?
    8. What do you prefer? Peaceful or mob killing?
    9. In real life, do you mostly hang around with males or females? (It took me a while to find the word "to hang around", I hope it means the right thing)
    10. Have you ever had kids ask for your age or email in-game, after they had only known you for a few hours or less?
    11. What are you feels on nfell having returned?

    Yay, 11 questions :D
    That took me over 15 minutes, but I think it's worth it ;)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. Worst fear? Best irl memory? Best MC memory? What's your favorite color and whose your favorite Beatle? How many time have you laughed today and any general advice? Like, for life.c: favorite book and the book/movie that has changed your life?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  3. 1. At school, I always wear a watch. It's gold, and it is made by Sekonda - it looks super flashy until you find out it's fake ;)
    2. Soda, milk, smoothie, milkshakes also, some juices too!
    3. The front of the first one isn't the most appealing of all cars but it is quite unique so I do kind of like it :) The second one is not the most favoured of cars but I am pretty sure it is indestructible, seeing as how it's one of the box-like estate Volvos!
    4. Not particularly, but I guess there are times when it is alright...
    5. Is that your EMC picture? If so, yes!
    6. School is the ongoing project :rolleyes: I want one of these when I am older, not really sure if you can call that a project though... Well, it will be to save up for one!
    7. My sister, and my two cousins... And all of their alts, seeing as how that is them too ;) Not sure these really count, probably not... So nope, guess not :D
    8. Peaceful (mostly)
    9. It means the right thing, at least, I understand it... I hang around with both males and females, probably male more often than not but yes, I do hang around with both!
    10. I've had others ask for my age yes, but usually I do not have a reason to tell it, not my email though!
    11. Everyone deserves a second chance (within reason) - I don't even know what he did so I am not in on the full story anyway :p

    You have been entered :)
    607 likes this.
  4. 1. I don't really like snakes. Not really sure why, just don't, but it's not a massive fear where I would like run out of the room or anything if I saw one :p
    2. That's too hard to choose!
    3. I did quite like my first year's party, there was a lot of chat and fun... I'll always remember that, but again, that is a hard one to choose!
    4. Red is the colour I like most (generally), and I don't have a favourite Beatle :p
    5. No clue but definitely a bit! Oh, and hmm... "It's not about knowing the answer, it's about knowing where to find it"
    6. I do quite like The Hunger Games...
    7. The Butterfly Effect has probably affected me in the greatest way (movie), it shows how the main character (Ashton Kutcher) can change things that he has done in the past to change the outcome of his current time in life, but he keeps making things worse and when he fixes one of his friend's lives, he keeps messing up his other friend's lives... It's really sad, to the point that he ruins everything and cannot change anything again (depending on the ending you watch, as there are four different endings). The ending I watched is really sad and it made me really think about the plot and what happened, man, that film is some tough stuff :p
  5. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  6. On a scale from 1 to Murica, How free are you?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  7. I have never heard of a Klondike bar... But I googled it, and they look amazing. I guess I would have to get some plane tickets to go and get some...? :p

    Both of you have been entered :)
    607 likes this.
  8. What is your most prized possession and congrats man
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. My Community Defender and Certificate :)

  10. Whats the meaning of life? Pumpkin Pie or 3.14159265359
  11. Congrats, and if you were stranded in a supermarket with 400 other people, and there is no escape until help arrives in a week, what would you do?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  12. 1. Do you like spicy food?
    2. Do you like Llamas?
    3. Dog or cat?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. 3.14 (rounded)
    (You have not been entered again as you have been entered)
    Stock up on as much food as possible and camp it out I guess :p
    1. Meh...
    2. Llamas are the don
    3. I see no reason to decide, why not both? :D

    Both of you above have been entered :)
  14. Woah, entered for what?
  15. Read the main post of the thread. All people who ask questions are entered for a draw of 50k of my rupees.
    607 likes this.
  16. Ok, I thought it was just a random question thing, but sure, if I win, I'd take the money :D
  17. I suggest you read the main post next time. :)

    Winner(s) to be released tonight, so get in your final posts and votes now! I'll be sure to give as much time as possible so that some more people can have a chance, but make sure you do post soon! :)
  18. Sorry but your title is spelt wrong... it's Fedny. Now time to read the post :p

    How did you become ill?
    What's it like being FDNY21 (Fedny)?
    Why the 21 at the end of your username?
    How did you come to find EMC?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  19. *50 bajillionth :p

    What do you think of the current state of the United Kingdom?
    FDNY21 likes this.
    1. How was your Thanksgiving (if you don't celebrate it ... what do you think of the event EMC has for Thanksgiving this year?)
    2. What sword do you use in EMC (enchants?)
    3. Whose res do you like the best on EMC?
    4. Your thoughts on chocolate? :D
    FDNY21 likes this.