[450k Giveaway] I'm Leaving

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by sideshowallie, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. For me today its the 8th.
  2. 9 please if it hasnt been taken
    If it has, 73. If both are taken or this isn't allowed than that's fine. Hope you had a great time on EMC.
  3. Ah, well it'll probably be tomorrow for you, I'm sure you can find a time zone converter on Google to figure it out? I would do it for you but I don't know where you live ;)
  4. 76 plz
  5. So, can I expect to see anyone at my residence tomorrow?
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  6. ill be there just to hang out, and to get to know you seeing as i dont know you that well most likely due to diff servers
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  7. 63 or 82.

    I get why you're leaving, I know the whole lost the sparkle of appeal. it's.. saddening really.
    sideshowallie likes this.
  8. Just going to remind y'all that the event is on in around 8 hours (9PM GMT). There's gonna be a DC of Iron blocks, a DC of horse eggs, a DC of bones, lots of assorted enchanted items, lots of assorted valuables. Even if you don't want to say goodbye there's a heap of free stuff up for grabs.
  9. So around 5:00pm Empire time tonight.
  10. I honestly haven't saw you in all my 900(ish) days, so you've done a good job avoiding me, congratz! You see like a nice guy, and it's always sad to see a vet go :(

    But now's the time for moneys >:) number 80 please <3
  11. hopefully the party goes well and everyone has fun, unfort ill be at work during the time of the event due to schedule change so i wont be able to make it afterall ;/. goodluck with everything sideshow
    607 likes this.
  12. Alright, fine, I'll take 82. :p
  13. Well, I'll take 65 if nobody else has taken it.
    Sorry to see you go. Again, I'm thinking of leaving, too. It's a long story why.
  14. I'll take whatever number still remains. Cheers
  15. Slim pickins' I'll take 65 if still available.
  16. Oh, someone else asked for that 20 minutes ago, how about 82 then?
  17. The only number left is 80.
  18. Alright, all the numbers are full, I'm going to be giving everyone full perms and drawing numbers in twenty (21) minutes!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  19. Just realised that FireFloor is being run at the same time, not gonna see anyone there xD