2025 Re-revamped promo price thread!

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Raaynn, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. I couldn't find this thread by using the search function for some reason (maybe because it is bad :rolleyes:), and didn't realise that there was a separate section for Price Enquiries. In the Marketplace Discussion I found a thread for it, though... from 2014. :p But after following three links I got here! ;)
    Thanks, now I know what promo to give to what position in a contest I'm hosting. :)
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  2. I guess I'm rich I have like 8 on my res...
  3. I somehow doubt that, got a preview chest?
    607 likes this.
  4. im in class rn I'll get back to you on that one
  5. Are you sure that it is this one: (Notice the green text)

    and not just this one:

    (You can also preview them at Tom's and mine promo storage at 859)

    As far as is documented, there are only 4 in existente, owned by me, jewel_king, Raaynn and crafter3121.

    The 1.8mil is quite a low estimate, I guess :p
    607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  6. yes
    I remember because at the time I made a big deal about it
  7. used vixen 45k
  8. Is this post still accurate?
    FadedMartian and Raaynn like this.
  9. For the most part, besides some SU2 items & other minor things, yes
  10. As accurate as we can, based on known sales and auctions, but please note the pricing date.

    Prices on the common promos have been dropping a little.
  11. bought a 2012 firework at 200k today
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. Just curious. Are either version of the New Player Guide worth anything?
    Raaynn likes this.
  13. not really, I sold a couple the other week for 500r each
    Raaynn, 607, liamwill and 1 other person like this.
  14. Is this thread still updating, Raaynn? If not, I can take over for ya!
  15. The last post was only two weeks ago, what would make you think it's not?
  16. I didn't see that, my bad.
  17. Actually updated new items yesterda
    been a travelin
    Velma_T_Jinkies, liamwill and Burki like this.
  18. Well have you updated any today? Lol. Keep up the good work homie! =P
    Raaynn likes this.
  19. Just a small fix to a spelling error:

    • America: 15k (Jul. 7th, 2018)
    • America (used): 10k (Jul. 15th, 2018)
    The horse's name is Amareica
    Raaynn likes this.
  20. liamwill and Raaynn like this.