Deadline to receive a box: February 12th at 11:59 pm EMC time. You get to open your box: February 14th after 10 am EMC time. Chests location: /v love on smp8 Chests will remain up until at least Sun, Feb 21st for late valentine sharing <3 Reappearing from the event vault 5 years later!!! This is an event aimed for the nostalgia of days long gone for some of us, and a reminder of something in our normal lives for those that are a bit younger. Ever remember your teacher having you decorate a box for your classmates to put valentine's day cards and goodies into? Well that's what we are going to do, except the boxes are already made for you, so all that's left is to claim them and for others to fill them up with goodies/cards (books) via the hoppers attached. There are plenty of 'boxes' on the residence. We'll start with the first 100 and go up as more and more players claim them. If we need more, we can make that happen, so don't worry. In order to enter and receive your own Valentine's Day Card Box, please post on this thread the answer to one/all of the following questions before the deadline. You will be assigned the next number in the series and the hopper will be placed so people can start filling it up. Note that the Access sign will be there, but you won't be able to open it thanks to some special Valentine magic. Your name will be pink once your chest and hopper is added. If a chest gets full, please let Krysyy or SS know so we can add another. We don't want to put a limit on love sharing, but PLEASE don't fill the chests with junk on purpose and no alts are allowed. This is about Sharing Love, not hoarding it. In addition, Krysyy will visit each of the chests and drop in a special valentine's day signature card (book) for all participants. Choose from: 1) Who is/are your valentine(s) and how did you meet them? 2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy, what would the title be? 3) What are your plans for Valentine's Day? 4) What is your favorite Valentine's Day card/meme? (include a picture and keep it appropriate) 1. Krysyy 2. Ahzeriel3553 3. JNightwind 4. CliffCraft 5. wafflecoffee 6. MoreMoople 7. ShyguytheGamer1 8. Luckygreenbrid 9. farmerguyson 10. sonicol 11. AncientTower 12. jewel_king 13. ZanDarkin 14. raainbow 15. EfficiencyV 16. xGGirlx 17. ChumMiner 18. Olliesaurus_Rex 19. Bissela 20. ConductorConduit 21. ThisMeef 22. Grimwald580 23. OriginalScuf 24. Skeletin007 25. DaybreakerMC 26. JestertheCleric 27. JohnKid 28. Agent_Oreobro 29. LindenNZ 30. luckycordel 31. RainbowPony 32. Tbird1128 33. RampageX10 34. FadedMartian 35. Envine 36. The_BaconPotato 37. Raaynn 38. tamraaa 39. Sefl 40. crystaldragon13 41. carolmoss 42. AnonReturns 43. Snappes 44. nocum 45. WitherDoggie 46. Carconductor 47. ThaKloned 48. __Devil_ 49. PetezzaDawg 50. Saturn_83 51. MaglorYavetil 52. HollyV 53. Tuqueque 54. MelleTheHundred 55. unicornky4412 56. KatydidBuild 57. cancepants 58. KaliaLlama 59. Storm_ily 60. KikuDusk 61. KandK22 62. JazzleDazzles 63. Vhourgannox 64. HazardousCode 65. SteadShrumm 66. Spiritress 67. Shell8ug 68. MusicDjE 69. BlueShinobiXIII 70. EquableHook 71. EbolaCola 72. Arbiter1223 73. Endermax187 74. WyntyrRaevyn 75. DrasLeona247 76. Red_of_Life 77. ColPun 78. 607 79. MommaDragon 80. MissBonnieParker 81. Fireduck187 82. RandomZh 83. DueDiligence 84. Emma602cute 85. Esrik 86. RecklessThunder 87. cam7051 88. Soliros 89. tinselsnake 90. Obwangottemm 91. TheJuniorMint 92. TheFryedmans 93. jaqque 94. PetuniaFigtree 95. Burki 96. Grimm_Pantalones 97. Seansbar 98. Throane 99. Jef7757 100. Northern_Sailor
1) My boyfriend. We met through mutual friends. 2) 21 Boots (instead of 21 Dresses) 3) I am being kidnapped by the boyfriend. The only details I have include that it's 2 hours away and I need to bring my (not fancy) boots... 4) TBD
1. Vannahbanana23, my Fiancé IRL, we met at work and have been together happily ever since 2. The Never Ending engagement 😂 3. A quiet meal at the house and a good movie Love this idea 😃
Who is/are your valentine(s) and how did you meet them? Being single I don't really have one. What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Not really any big plans. Me and my other single friends normally just go out and have some drinks.
1) Who is/are your valentine(s) and how did you meet them? My valentine, partners in crime(not really it just rhymed). My soon to be fiancé(shhhh surprise) we’ve been together for about a year and it’s really felt like more. 2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy, what would the title be? The title would be “Everyday Something Changes “ 3) What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Texas Roadhouse. And recreating out first date for a surprise
Ooh, lovely 1: potofjuniper, we met through EMC <3 2: "It's Complicated"-- like the Facebook relationship status (Wait, I just looked this up, I didn't know it's a real thing ) 3: Nothing really special/different besides sending an excess of "<3" messages 4:
1) Hmmm... My valentine is my cat, Cedric (AKA Boople or Goose). I met him when my dad and sister brought him home from the pet shelter because he was just too cute to leave there! 2) .!++++ (Comedy title created by cat) 3) Host Day of Chance while the cats are asleep on my legs. 4) New Event: Firegarden?
1. Valentine for me is music. Been with me for all of my life. Saved me from being on the brink numerous times.2. Terms of Endearment 2: Electric Boogaloo and the Return of The Big Sad.3. Watching sad movies and going to work.4. Don't really have one, not a fan of the holiday to begin with. Cool to see this back after not having it for a while.
1. My wife. 😉 2. I don't know how to answer this one. If this was a question on a test I would fail. I'm horrible at making connections like that. 3. Prepare a dinner that is something other than pasta and the other reduced interaction based meal I've prepared for the past year. Maybe California Rolls or Swordfish. Then sit together in front of a roaring fire while watching a funny movie. 4. It was a Valentines card that had a popup rabbit in the fold that pointed its arm at you when opened with the words "It's you" printed inside. I think the saying on the cover was something like, Do you know who is special today?.
1) My 3 cats, they stumbled upon my house and decided, "I live here now" 2) I would like to think it would be a scary Valentines movie so I'm gonna go with "Alone in the Dark" 3) Probably hang out on EMC 4)
It's awesome to see this event return. The last time this event happened I gave everyone a renamed piece of redstone dust called CallMeTowers Upside down Heart. 1) My sister and I met her when she was born. She cried when she first saw me.. (It's cause she knew from that moment on that I would always be the favorite and not her. lol ) 2) The Harry Potter series.. ( Snapes love for Lilly... ALWAYS) 3) VHS tape one of the Titanic and only tape one because tape two is just chaos, death, and old ladies throwing stuff into the sea. 4)
Plans for valentines day? For me its just watch anime or netflix and eat chocolate and play minecraft
1) Myself 2) Cupid's Failure 3) Probably just hanging out at home and playing video games This event seems really neat
1) Who is/are your valentine(s) and how did you meet them? My wife! Duh! We met in music school in college. 2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy, what would the title be? 50 First Dates - I can't remember what I did yesterday is pretty much the theme to my life. 3) What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Same as every other day. But maybe with a little more chocolate? 4) What is your favorite Valentine's Day card/meme? (include a picture and keep it appropriate) Roses are red. Violets are Blue...I got nothing. Blanking out, so see #2. nevermind...found one: