2012 EMC Christmas Vote-a-thon!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Now we're rank 94! This is working :D keep it up everyone!
  2. So I should only send you a PM once I have voted 22 times? Or I send you a new PM in the same conversation everyday I vote?
  3. That's the plan! ;) Remember guys, this is also about the Christmas spirit so feel free to get the gift for someone else - you never know, they might do the same for you :)
    I would prefer the second one but it doesn't matter, feel free to do it after 22 votes :)
  4. It's okay I knew what you meant :p
  5. Currently ranked 33!
    tinkerbell28 and AlexChance like this.
  6. 31 now - come on guys let's get these entries in! :D If EMC makes it into the top 5 slots on Minestatus, I will bump it up to 30k for the grand draw! :D
  7. Imagine if everyone that saw this thread voted - let's keep going guys and win those gifts :D
  8. How come EMC has a "?" where our ranking should be and it says offline? Hmm. Come on guys! :D
  9. 2 places off the homepage, cmon guys! =D

    EDIT: Oh, and it looks like comments increase our rank too!
    EDIT: We're on the homepage!!!
  10. i will donate as much as i could and i will vote :)
  11. Homepage Status:
    Not on there
    _Stads_ likes this.
  12. Yep, remember to comment as well guys :) But not to enter, comments just help :)
  13. Thank you! :)
    _GodFury_Blaze likes this.
  14. anytime AlexChance
  15. :( oops. I had a rough day xD I'll have to start doing this now.
  16. Keep up the work guys... I am donating ( not right away have to ask the wife for money) 50k to this.

    And, you have my word as a staff member, IF EMC reaches number 1, at any time (does not have to hold it) I will donate an additional 100k.
  17. If EMC reaches 1 I will donate 10k! :3
    _Stads_ and AlexChance like this.
  18. Thanks a load ISMOOCH! I'm going to higher the tally values now. :)
    What's up? :p