1000 days on EMC- AMA and giveaway

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DWmom, Apr 21, 2016.


Do you want me to put my head up for sale? Or leave it rare(ish) like it is

Poll closed Apr 28, 2016.
Put your head up for sale already! 27 vote(s) 41.5%
Keep it rare(ish)! 31 vote(s) 47.7%
I don't want your head so It doesn't matter to me! 7 vote(s) 10.8%
  1. What's your proudest accomplishment on EMC in these 1000 days?
    DWmom and AyanamiKun like this.
  2. How's life? :)
    DWmom likes this.
  3. would you ever consider moving to smp8?
    DWmom likes this.
  4. Congratulations making it this far and becoming a moderator! I don't hear from you often but I always wondered, how do you feel about the treatment of animatronics on EMC?
    DWmom and AyanamiKun like this.
  5. Am I a squid?
    DWmom likes this.
  6. Do you prefer Shrek 1 or 2?
    DWmom likes this.
  7. Congrats! What is your favourite thing about EMC?
    DWmom likes this.
  8. if you've got 8 apples and 3 banana's how many pancakes can you fit on the roof?
    DWmom likes this.
  9. What's the best thing u have ever got from an auction?
    DWmom likes this.
  10. 1st congrats on 1k EMC!

    i see u got two very cute kids so im wondering: do u play minecraft with ur family? if so; do you guys also play on emc?
    DWmom likes this.
  11. I remember you!
    Congrats on 1000 days! And the birth of your daughter.
    Hope your around for many more days to come.
    Any plans to get your daughter playing Minecraft?
    Also, do you have a favourite server? (Smp2, hint)
    DWmom and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Cats or dogs?
    DWmom likes this.
  13. Pepsi or Coke'o'cola?
    DWmom likes this.
  14. Welcome to the 1000 days club :) I hope you'll have a great time here ;)
    How many cookies are you able to eat when you'ave got three trees is your hair?
    DWmom likes this.
  15. Do you have a favourite car? If so, what car is it? :D Congrats on 1000!
    DWmom and HannahEB like this.
  16. Congrats! What's your favourite colour?
    Don't think this had been asked xD
    DWmom and _FB_ like this.
  17. Should have known... xD
    Jelle68 and _FB_ like this.
  18. You have been an amazing addition to the empire staff team, as well as a friendly EMC player.

    How did you find EMC, and why did you stick with it?

    DWmom likes this.
  19. Psst DWMom, you can fit all thos 6 posts in on ;)
    DWmom likes this.
  20. I'd be surprised if you didn't :rolleyes:
    HannahEB likes this.