Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. TomvanWijnen
    He's been my irl friend for a really long time, and he lives about 1 min away from me.
    Apr 21, 2014
  2. Egeau
    Tast true :D
    Apr 25, 2014
  3. ShelLuser
    omg, 2 Dutchies! Wait, including me that makes 3. Oh wait: 607 makes 4. YES, its finally happening; we're invading! :-)
    Aug 29, 2015
  4. 607
    Oh, but I know more! Jaari, for example. He isn't too active anymore, though. And Eclipsys too, actually! Who is pretty much an EMC celebrity, I'd say.
    Aug 29, 2015
  5. 607
    Aside of those, not really anyone I know well that is/was active on the forums. There are plenty in-game, though.
    I think there are more people from the Netherlands than from France and Spain combined.
    Aug 29, 2015
  6. TomvanWijnen
    There was a French mod though.
    Aug 29, 2015