Mar 31, 2021
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After tonight, I'm considering calling it a day with Empire Minecraft. Considering opening up my two residences to let everyone have my items? As I wouldn't be needing them anymore..... Funny how things once enjoyable become a real drag because of other people *sigh* Feb 25, 2025

    1. Orgoth_93
      After tonight, I'm considering calling it a day with Empire Minecraft. Considering opening up my two residences to let everyone have my items? As I wouldn't be needing them anymore..... Funny how things once enjoyable become a real drag because of other people *sigh*
      1. View previous comments...
      2. KatydidBuild
        AncientTower & farmerguyson are very correct. Unfortunately minecraft is as life, in that there are some that don't play well with others and can hurt your feelings. Take a break, brush it off, reset your sights and go again!
        Feb 25, 2025
      3. _VOCCI
        My bestie ain't going anywhere!
        Feb 26, 2025
      4. Orgoth_93
        Thanks for everyone's comments. You are all correct and I do very much enjoy EMC. I think I just got very fed up with a certain player(s) the other day... I should really take it all with a pinch of salt haha Sometimes it can be difficult though. I'll probably take a few more days off and come back :-) Thanks again, I appreciate you all.
        Mar 2, 2025
    2. Orgoth_93
      Hello :-)
      1. crystaldragon13 likes this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        Helloooo and welcome back. =D
        Feb 7, 2025
      3. Orgoth_93
        Thanks! :D
        Feb 12, 2025
    3. Nickblockmaster
      Merry Christmas to you! 🎄🎉
      1. KatydidBuild and Orgoth_93 like this.
    4. Orgoth_93
      Merry Christmas everyone :-)
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    5. Orgoth_93
      Big thanks to RandomZh for helping me out in the Nether when I unfortunately fell into lava and lost everything :')
    6. Orgoth_93
      Tonight's travels throughout the Wilds was an interesting one. So many bugged locations, parts of the ocean without water & random mobs spawning that shouldn't be there, villages in the air, random sections of ice & snow in the plains biome & TONS of holiday chests :D Very odd!
    7. Orgoth_93
      Very much enjoyed tonight's expedition in SMP9's Nether in an attempt to save FHZHNL with BeachHead :')
      1. Trwe, farmerguyson and Tuqueque like this.
    8. Orgoth_93
      Looking to buy Magma Cube spawn eggs if anyone's selling? :D
      1. Tuqueque likes this.
      2. Tuqueque
        Monsters are not able to be egged. Only animals
        Nov 18, 2024
      3. Orgoth_93
        Hi Tuqueque, yes another user told me that. I didn't realise.
        Luckily Farmerguyson was selling Froglights. So all good now :D
        Nov 18, 2024
    9. Orgoth_93
      How's everyone doing this fine Saturday? :D
    10. Orgoth_93
      Good morning everyone :)
    11. Orgoth_93
      Hi all, I was playing EMC last night and I died in the Frontiers. Stupidly I had my 'Blizz Ard's Nose' item on me (must have taken it out of a chest by accident), and of course I lost that item. Is there anyway of getting that item again?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tuqueque
        You can try to see if they haven’t despawned yet. Do /loc death or /compass death or /deathlog to find where you died
        Nov 1, 2024
      3. farmerguyson
        I just mailed you one of Blizz Ard's bits.
        Nov 1, 2024
      4. Orgoth_93
        Hi Farmerguyson, I apologise for not replying sooner! Luckily I managed to find my 'Blizz Ard's Nose' in the Frontier the other evening. So I will send yours back to you. Thank you again for sending your one. I very much appreciate it :)
        Nov 5, 2024
    12. Orgoth_93
      3 years later....Hi everyone!! :-) How are you all? Finally got a new computer a few months back that was able to handle Minecraft again Lol I wonder if some of you are still active on here? Hope you're all well regardless. Hopefully see you online sometime
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultipig
        yes. now come back
        Oct 21, 2024
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Howdy! Congrats on your new battle rig. Hope you're having a great time! :D
        Oct 21, 2024
      4. Orgoth_93
        Hi MoreMoople, Ultipig & Nickblockmaster! Thanks! :D
        Look forward to seeing you all online soon
        Oct 22, 2024
    13. Orgoth_93
      Wow! It's been just over a year since I last logged on here.....I certainly miss playing on Empire, I hope everyone is doing well?
      1. crystaldragon13 and MoreMoople like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Orgoth_93
        Hi MoreMoople & Crystaldragon13!

        I have been well thank you for asking. I've been busy with 'life' things, so I have had to redirect my focus for awhile...despite that, I have been good :-)

        How are you two doing? Staying safe and well I hope?
        Aug 23, 2022
      4. Orgoth_93
        I need to create a Microsoft account to resume playing Minecraft (Boo!!!) so I need get round to doing that as soon as.... but I do indeed plan on coming back online. I certainly miss it :-)
        Aug 23, 2022
      5. crystaldragon13
        I'm doing well enough and yea.. I had to make one of those accounts as well. Hope to see you in game soon. =D
        Aug 23, 2022
    14. Orgoth_93
      Hi all, I've tried to get back onto Minecraft for the past week or so, but unfortunately I keep getting this error "glfw error 65543" when I load up Minecraft. I'm clueless on how to fix this issue, I've watched a few UTube clips and check Reddit, but to no avail :-(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Orgoth_93
        It's a shame as I've had my computer for 5/6 years and it has ran very well, especially for Minecraft and for things like music production and video editing (for an 'ancient computer', suprising, I know! lol)
        Jun 26, 2021
      3. Orgoth_93
        Thank you for your reply Waffle, I will load up Minecraft either this evening or tomorrow morning and try it on 1.16.5 and let you know the outcome, hopefully it should work....for now
        Jun 26, 2021
      4. WitherDoggie
        Yeah your chipset runs OpenGL 2.0 according to the specs sheet. Minecraft 1.17 requires OpenGL 4.4.
        Jun 26, 2021
    15. Orgoth_93
      Hi all, sorry I haven't been on in 2 weeks? I've been busy with work and life stuff :-)
      1. Orgoth_93
        I'll be back on in a couple of days :-) I hope everyone has been well and staying safe!
        Jun 5, 2021
    16. Orgoth_93
      Changing the site's colour to 'dark - purple' is definitely the one!
      1. 607 and 29672057602 like this.
      2. 607
        It was until the introduction of Dark - Rainbow (WIP). :D
        May 8, 2021
      3. Orgoth_93
        Ooh! Dark - Rainbow does look pretty good too haha :D
        May 8, 2021
    17. Orgoth_93
      Good morning everyone! :)
      1. Eviltoade likes this.
      2. SteamingFire
        Good morning :D
        Apr 21, 2021
    18. Orgoth_93
      Back to work today, which is a good thing.. Just means less time on EMC :(
      1. MysticalFelineOG likes this.
    19. Orgoth_93
      Good morning EMC! :-)
    20. Orgoth_93
      My first status.... erm.... hi everyone! :-)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Orgoth_93
        Thanks everyone :) and no worries Eviltoade :D
        Apr 13, 2021
      3. Big__Kev
        Welcome to the forums. I didn’t realise you were new when I see you online
        Apr 13, 2021
      4. Orgoth_93
        Thanks Kev, and no problem! :D
        Hopefully see you online soon!
        Apr 13, 2021
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