Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. We3_MPO
    I think not. I'm extremely reluctant to consume something expired.
    Sep 30, 2023
  2. Nickblockmaster
    I will make some exceptions to expired foods, but 4.5 years... pushing the boundaries a bit, don’t you think? lol
    Sep 30, 2023
  3. SteamingFire
    ew. why did you eat it. ew.
    Sep 30, 2023
  4. 607
    @SteamingFire: I didn't realise it. :P But when I found out later, my second thought was "Eh, I ate one recently and it was fine, I can probably finish the rest", before remembering that I got sick.
    Oct 1, 2023
  5. 607
    It could easily be a coincidence though, as I also slept next to a sick person the night before.
    Oct 1, 2023