Comments on Profile Post by belac555

  1. SoulPunisher
    Takes two to tango 👍🏼
    Feb 26, 2022
  2. Nickblockmaster
    Well I mean if I had a girlfriend and someone else kissed her, yeah I would feel like my feelings were violated. Fists would probably fly.
    Feb 26, 2022
  3. Nickblockmaster
    It’s pretty understandable the situation is delicate, but the hard thing is not doing something you’d likely come to regret. So what if he kissed her. It could’ve been an honest mistake had he not known she wasn’t single. He could’ve advanced before she had time to say. You just don’t know. Best thing to do would be for the guy to apologize of course, but that opportunity might’ve already passed.
    Feb 26, 2022
  4. Unoski
    It’s hard to know with such limited information. Soul is right. It does take two to tango. Been cheated on before but remained with them because I believed they could change. I could not have been more wrong.

    I’m not going to say whether you two should break up or not. But if that situation happened to me today, I would end it. The trust just would not be there anymore for me.
    Feb 26, 2022
  5. Unoski
    Not trusting your partner is exhausting. Every time they went and did something, them cheating on me again was all I could think about.

    What will you be thinking about they go on their next cruise or multi day trip?
    Feb 26, 2022
  6. Nickblockmaster
    That is also a very valid point. The common denominator here is TRUST. It must be rock-solid, not as thin as eggshells. If you notice that you’re not building trust in the relationship, than it’s not worth it for either of you. You may be willing to commit yourself to someone, but are they willing to do the same with you?
    Feb 26, 2022
  7. bitemenow15
    sounds simple enough to me, dump her
    Feb 27, 2022