Comments on Profile Post by Joy_the_Miner

  1. Nickblockmaster
    Oof, say what? Is this legit? I’m surprised they’re not blaming gaming for some form of cancer. Bahaha 😂 This is one of the most ludicrous things ever.
    Jul 28, 2021
  2. Joy_the_Miner
    I agree with you. California has always been weird, but this is legit just the "icing on the cake". I guess banning computers is more important than solving legitimate issues?
    Jul 28, 2021
  3. ultipig
    They’re not banned and won’t be banned. It’s the sale of pre-built gaming PCs that will be (or already are) banned. You can still build a gaming PC in the states (not just CA) that have/will have this new law or whatever.
    Jul 28, 2021
  4. Joy_the_Miner
    I looked into what their claims are for doing this. It's stupid, literally. California's lawmakers "pretend" to care about the environment, so they punish the average person. Meanwhile, the businesses continue their dirty tactics and continue to pollute the environment and waste energy and continue to make billions.
    Jul 28, 2021
  5. SoulPunisher
    It’s not a ban on gaming PCs lol, it’s a more of a cap to push big companies like Dell into stopping their pumping out pre-built energy inefficient shite into the market. This is quite literally going after big business for dirty tactics and ensuring there’s a still a viable market in a decade’s time, not sure what you’re on a mad one for mate
    Jul 31, 2021
  6. Joy_the_Miner
    It's very vague, at best. Where it currently stands, there are major loopholes that these SIs can (and most likely) WILL abuse. The amount of energy savings that this is going to accomplish is miniscule, and will create a lot of eWaste of PSUs that are fully functional that they have lying around.
    Jul 31, 2021
  7. Joy_the_Miner
    Instead of going after the big polluters (the oil industries/car manufacturers), we see politicians with their heads up their rears, yet again... Only in America would you see something this stupid...
    Jul 31, 2021