Last activity:
Sep 16, 2022
Jul 14, 2016
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The Chamber of Secrets
Roadrunner and future concert pianist

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Elite Member, Male, from The Chamber of Secrets


sivaDtasivaD was last seen:
Sep 16, 2022
    1. sivaDtasivaD
      I leave for Australia in 30 minutes - I won't be able to bring my laptop on the trip because it's "too fragile, "too big," and "it might break while switching flights." Sooo, I guess I'll see y'all in 24 days unless I can somehow get things to work on my dad's tablet.
      1. Burki and MoreMoople like this.
      2. Tbird1128
        You can log in using Minechat and you still get your daily rupee bonus if I remember correctly.
        Jun 19, 2019
      3. MoreMoople
        Have fun!! :D
        Jun 19, 2019
    2. sivaDtasivaD
      Let's just say I ran out of ideas for nicknames, and it's already been more than a month since I've changed my name, so I just decided to go lazy.
      1. Harp4Christ and Burki like this.
      2. _REMOVED_87055
        Next month: IloveBurki
        Jun 18, 2019
      3. Tbird1128
        Or you could go back to DavisatDavis, it's available.
        Jun 19, 2019
    3. sivaDtasivaD
      First profile update since the hadean eon: Today was my last day of school, and next year I start high school! Now that school's finished, I'll be able to update my profile page more. Loooots of things have happened that I wished I had time to write about. :)
      1. MoreMoople and Burki like this.
      2. _REMOVED_87055
        Jun 13, 2019
      3. MoreMoople
        Jun 13, 2019
    4. triphora
      nuu don't kill the toitles
      1. Turtle__Killer likes this.
    5. sivaDtasivaD
      I just got back from performing at my school talent show. All the acts were amazing, I had a wild time. It's shame this day ends in less than an hour for me because tonight was a night I'll never forget and I wish I could relive it over and over again.
      1. crystaldragon13
        That's wonderful!! So glad you had such a wonderful day. =]
        Apr 27, 2019
    6. sivaDtasivaD
      I just got back from lifeguard training... my gosh, it was exhausting. My spring break is chewed up by this, and it's from 8am-5pm each day. On the bright side, the outcome of all this training would be totally worth the pain. I hope those with a free break are enjoying it so far
      1. crystaldragon13 likes this.
    7. sivaDtasivaD
      Today, my math teacher, told me that I got bumped to 5th place. First, someone got 110 digits (and I memorized another 10 digits just last night! ;-;), then, someone got 202 digits... there's no way I could catch up to that. And all this happened today, AFTER pi day...
      1. sivaDtasivaD
        Luckily, I'm traveling this weekend, so that's something to take my mind off of that. :)
        Mar 16, 2019
    8. sivaDtasivaD
      There was a pi memorization contest at school today, and I got 3rd place with 100 digits (the 3 at the beginning doesn't count). Top 3 winners get a free pie of their choice! :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        The 1st place winner got 910 digits... he really had 1000 digits, but he just couldn't get them all. I recorded the whole thing, it took him 20 minutes xD
        Mar 15, 2019
      3. 607
        910... that's a lot. But 100 is also more than you'll ever need, even in rocket science. ;)
        Mar 16, 2019
      4. Lukas3226
        3. Take it or leave it :D
        Mar 16, 2019
    9. sivaDtasivaD
      Happy Valentine's Day all! <3 (I realized I should've changed my name to "PlzBeMyValentine" xD).
      1. Top_Benny likes this.
    10. sivaDtasivaD
      I Just got back from performing music as a finalist at a comp. I might not have won, but I don't see it as a competition. What everyone should feel privileged about is sharing their joy of music to an audience. I only entered the comp. for fun, never expected to be a finalist! :O
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        It was also my first competition, therefore my first time performing in front of a panel of judges. There were 4 judges, so it's like America's got talent, except there's no buzzer or golden buzzer. (No, Simon Cowell wasn't there).
        Feb 3, 2019
      3. MoreMoople
        Oooo, congrats on being a finalist :D
        Feb 3, 2019
    11. sivaDtasivaD
      BRACES! It's about time I got them. I before this, I had two teeth that were rotated, and strings had to be tied to them to rotate them back. Before that, I had tooth surgery. Part of my gums were taken out to expose a tooth that was growing in from the center top of my mouth.
      1. Harp4Christ likes this.
      2. harpyLemons
        I have the same issue with two teeth soooo rotated they need some serious help to be rotated correctly...
        Feb 2, 2019
    12. sivaDtasivaD
      This is my new name change... I wanted to do Pathetique (my favorite Sonata by Beethoven), but that name was taken.
      1. CarFryer, Eviltoade and MoreMoople like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. sivaDtasivaD
        Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! 😭😭😭😭😭
        Jan 31, 2019
      4. Eviltoade
        o.o dang maybe she does like your name more
        Jan 31, 2019
      5. sivaDtasivaD
        o.O *Stuffs mouth with popcorn rapidly even though the orthodontist said to eat slowly with these wires in my mouth* This is getting intense! A normal player is making a SS give up!!!
        Jan 31, 2019
    13. sivaDtasivaD
      Last Friday, the fire alarm went off, and it turned out it was someone vaping in the bathroom, no one pulled it, the smoke detector sensed the smoke, and it set off the alarm.
      1. ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
    14. sivaDtasivaD
      Just got back from church, which was being used as a homeless shelter (just for today until tomorrow morning), and I helped serve the homeless there. :)
    15. sivaDtasivaD
      Last night, I arrived back here from Hawaii, meaning that I will no longer be waking up to literally an ocean right outside my backyard. At least I'll be waking up to my cat ...and my house.
      1. crystaldragon13 and derp_duckie like this.
    16. sivaDtasivaD
      While doing some shopping today, I found a store with 70% off all Christmas items for holiday sales. Then, everything became 90% off for the New Year. (Yes, I went crazy xD).
      1. Sefl51 likes this.
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        EDIT: It also made me wonder what they'd do on Black Friday. xD
        Jan 6, 2019
    17. ShyguytheGamer1
      I feel like you will seriously regret having this name when 2020 rolls around. Do you think you'll regret it?
      1. 2019_BABYYYYYYYY likes this.
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        Shyguy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Don't worry, I change my name every 30 days. I was planning to do something else, but I thought it was funny that my next name change was on New Year's Day, so I thought I'd change things up a 'little.' ;P
        Jan 1, 2019
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    The Chamber of Secrets
    Roadrunner and future concert pianist
    I love cats, I do Certificate Of Merit each year for piano, bowling is my favorite sport (WITH THE BUMPERS DOWN), my favorite food is cow stomach (true fact), "I LOVE TRAINS" (jk)