Last activity:
Sep 21, 2024 at 6:38 AM
Jan 5, 2013
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Amersfoort, the Netherlands

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Ruby Forum Member, Male, from Amersfoort, the Netherlands

The end of an era: I just put up my final Pot of Gold auction! ;) https://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-1-stack-64-of-unused-pots-of-gold.87847/ Aug 14, 2024

607 was last seen:
Sep 21, 2024 at 6:38 AM
    1. 607
      I went to a museum with people from my study today, it was fun. :) They left shortly after 3 o'clock (we started at half to 2), but I was enjoying myself, so I stayed until 5 o'clock, when it was going to close. :P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lukas3226
        Sounds like fun, it's an interesting topic. Visited their website, the trailer video is cool. Also good job on the punch card, Yoshi's Island is my favorite GBA game
        Feb 2, 2019
      3. 607
        Ha, I seemed to remember you knew that game!
        Feb 2, 2019
      4. 607
        I actually didn't like the trailer video much, too modern and sterile I think, but the actual exhibition was cool. :P
        Feb 2, 2019
    2. 607
      Since I lost Piwi, the number in my signature hasn't been able to go up much anymore... but it shall! I'll try to get it to 14 again! Edit: At the moment I seem unable. It might be back later.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
      2. Kephras
        I am very sad to hear Piwi is still lost. :( I know the odds are unlikely but I still hope he finds his way home.
        Jan 28, 2019
      3. 607
        Yeah... it did make me realise that it might not have been entirely sensible to base part of my identity on a plush. He was a very welcome 'houvast', though, in tough times! (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/houvast)
        Jan 29, 2019
      4. Kephras
        I feel for ya. I've had a small white-tiger plush since I was 6 or so... would lose my damn mind if "Snowy" ever disappeared.
        Jan 29, 2019
    3. 607
      We can't find Piwi anywhere, I put him in my mum's bag to the condolences (see previous status) and we didn't see him afterward. :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. triphora
        It may look like a simple stuffed animal, but it's much more than that.
        Jan 26, 2019
      3. Kaddrii
        Poor Piwi ;-;
        I hope you can find him before you leave back home ! (if you already haven't)
        this is late :P
        Jan 26, 2019
      4. 607
        I don't think he will be back. :/ But that doesn't mean I will stop using Piwi pictures as profile pictures! There will be at least 3 more Piwi Days, if I don't die before May 26 2021.
        Jan 27, 2019
    4. 607
      I was supposed to have exams Tuesday and Wednesday, but this weekend I heard that the mother of a good friend from high school died. :( I wanted to attend the service so I travelled back to Frisia. I'll worry about the exams later. ;) (I did fill out a form regarding this)
      1. Equinox_Boss, Eviltoade and Kryarias like this.
    5. 607
      Sometimes I wish there was a Dislike button... and am glad there isn't.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Otus_NigRum
        I wish we could like status messages, cuz I want to like what's above me ^
        Jan 20, 2019
      3. Otus_NigRum
        not faded's post, 607's. Dangit, why do you post while I post!!
        Jan 20, 2019
      4. fadedmartian
        Jan 20, 2019
    6. 607
      Currently I feel like I'd rather be a bit more busy with university... not having a lot to do on workdays makes me feel unfulfilled.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
      2. AnonReturns
        You could always do further reading around a subject, or preparation for future modules :) All I can say is that now that Iā€™m in my final year, I wish I had more free time! :P
        Jan 16, 2019
      3. 607
        Yeah, I can imagine! I now decided that I could play piano if I don't have much else to do. :) I even actually read the paragraphs we are supposed to read in preparation for the lecture, for once. :P
        Jan 16, 2019
    7. 607
      Whoops, I messed up again in my Bible reading schedule: the verse currenly in my signature I wasn't intending to read until months from now. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
    8. Otus_NigRum
      Bronze forum member???
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        Jan 13, 2019
    9. 607
      I went to someone's birthday (with our group from last year, it was a lot of fun), and I got a present myself: a Calimero LP. So I guess I need to find a record player. :P
    10. 607
      Found it! When I first looked in the classroom I didn't, and I first spent a while gathering courage and asking all servicedesks around the building. Then when none had it, I had another look at the classroom, and found it, thank God.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 607
        The Icy Box with SSHD is fine, for now. :)
        Jan 15, 2019
      4. 607
        I actually only have 1 TB.
        Apr 20, 2019
      5. TomvanWijnen
        lol, 10+ for things. :P
        Apr 20, 2019
    11. 607
      Carrot, no! I left my SSHD at school. Let's pray I can find it tomorrow, as I don't feel up for the task of travelling to university again, let alone back. My contact information is on it, but my sister thinks people won't boot it up to look inside.
      1. TomvanWijnen
        Oh cauliflower, that is bad! Hope you'll find it tomorrow. :)
        Jan 10, 2019
      2. 607
        Yes, thanks!
        Jan 10, 2019
      3. Rhyblet
        If anything, they would look at it just to see whose it is.
        Jan 10, 2019
    12. 607
      I just figured out a way to tackle the main problem in the last programming assignment, and it actually works!!! :D We've only had 1 out of 6 tutorials yet, so I'm way ahead of schedule now. xD It's amazing!!! Now I hope my way of doing it is actually efficient. :P
      1. 607
        After the assistent grasped my program, he gave some tips and concluded "Maar volgens mij is de 'core' van het programma best wel prima!" :D
        Jan 10, 2019
    13. Gaming_Comander
      Bronze?!?! So...shiny!
    14. 607
      New rank!!!!!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Maybe someone should add it to the wiki. ;)
        Jan 7, 2019
      3. Rhyblet
        Whoa, so bronze is at 2.5k, good to know
        Jan 10, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        No, not at 2500, because he had 2657 trophy points before this, so it's probably at 2750. :)
        Jan 10, 2019
    15. triphora
      Congratulations on "Bronze Forum Member"!!
      1. 607
        Woah!! Thanks for notifying me!
        Jan 6, 2019
    16. Jay2a
      What kind of whack forum title is that? :P
      1. 607
        Jan 6, 2019
      2. 607
        Ooh, you were the first to notice the new rank!
        Jan 6, 2019
    17. 607
      Oh, by the way, I have now been on EMC for 6 years. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Thanks. :)
        Jan 5, 2019
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Congrats! :D
        Jan 5, 2019
      4. Olaf_C
        I'm going to hit 6 years in a little over a month. Feels weird seeing how far so many people on EMC have come. Congrats, old friend!
        Jan 5, 2019
    18. 607
      I'm having a lot of problems now that the vacation is ending. But I can look back and say that any trouble is worth it, as I had a great vacation.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Be6Ja1min
        Mhmm :(
        Jan 5, 2019
      4. 607
        It has indeed been solved, so I don't need to put it as status anymore. :) The problem was that I had left my medication at my family's, as I thought my mother had ordered new medication that had arrived at my own home. So now I was without.
        Jan 6, 2019
      5. 607
        But my mother took the train to my home this morning, so I only missed one day of medication, which isn't terrible (it works across three days, so I'm only totally without if I miss 3 days in a row).
        Jan 6, 2019
    19. Be6Ja1min
      *pokes* hiya best friend
      1. Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        Hello. :)
        You seem to have many best friends. ;)
        Jan 4, 2019
      3. Be6Ja1min
        I do, but your a Unic one
        Jan 4, 2019
    20. 607
      21000 posts. :) And if you like this, also 32000 likes! :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MoreMoople
        Congrats!! =)
        Jan 2, 2019
      3. 607
        Jan 3, 2019
      4. Be6Ja1min
        Congratz my friend!!!
        Jan 3, 2019
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    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]ā€œThe LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.ā€ ā€™ Numbers 6:24-26


    Home page:
    Amersfoort, the Netherlands
    I make my own signatures these days. :)


    Google Talk:
    607.filler@gmail.com (Google Talk doesn't exist anymore but this is my address)