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Nov 11, 2019
Jul 3, 2016
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idk somewhere in my braihgns

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Prominent Member, Female, from idk somewhere in my braihgns

wow it's been a while since i was last on...my residences are still here apparently. things are pretty slow though...and EMC still hasn't updated lmao Nov 11, 2019

Wakko_4TheWorld was last seen:
Nov 11, 2019
    1. Wakko_4TheWorld
      I miss Empire Minecraft x.x might join tomorrow. I’m homesick
      1. We3_MPO and _Devuu__ like this.
    2. Wakko_4TheWorld
      it's a little weird reporting a friend for hacks. you know it isn't right and that it's against the rules but you don't want them to be perm banned because you feel so terrible.
      1. Krysyy
        I've had to do this in the past (before I was staff). It does feel a little bad at first, but then you remember that you are making sure that everyone plays on equal footing and that makes it feel a little better.
        Jan 15, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        I've felt that too. Long ago back in 2015, I felt kind of bad reporting someone who I thought was a friend, but he griefed (he even griefed me) and stole, but I reported it because I knew on the inside that it was the right thing to do.
        Mar 29, 2018
    3. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Having a mall with cheap prices is harder to restock than I thought x.x (edit, typo lol, thanks dicey)
      1. DiceyInAction likes this.
      2. D_ceased
        ...Isn't...? or is? o_O
        Dec 8, 2017
    4. Wakko_4TheWorld
      I'm back! I was just wondering - do Super Turkeys ever despawn when you are not near them?
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. D_ceased
        Wait... WHAT o_O
        Welp, good thing I have some chicken eggs in storage in case that happens! Thanks for sharing that with us, and we'll be cautious.
        Nov 29, 2017
      4. Slvr
        Bug turns out to be inapplicable to regular players
        Nvm, only SS really need to worry. Jk <3
        Nov 29, 2017
      5. Wakko_4TheWorld
        Haha, good :P
        Dec 8, 2017
    5. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Oh btw, I scrapped the maze concept for the mall - it was too inefficient and non-user-friendly. I am building with a new plan and so far so good! Got mob drops and plants and food done, although barely stocked. 16181 for those wanting to see :D
    6. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Agh! Moving means no Minecraft for a bit! :( But I will keep you guys updated in the meanwhile. Just hoping that we won't stall. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :D
      1. D_ceased
        ....That also means..... no Super Turkeys or Feast Chests..... :T
        Nov 22, 2017
    7. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Bleh... I don't wanna do homework. Minecraft should help me get away from the real world ;w;
      1. Rayaan5235 and _Levy_McGarden_ like this.
      2. DorianPavus_
        I feel ya, luckily I didnt have a lot of homework tonight besides my current event which I wrote about Hello Kitty and a Farm....*nervous laughter* ha..ha...ha...
        Oct 4, 2017
      3. shaynsidd
        i know your struggle. if its really hard on you, you really shouldnt do it. the teachers might not understand but its your mental health not theres. Take it easy.
        Oct 4, 2017
    8. Wakko_4TheWorld
      (2/2) different categories. I think this is a nice, unique design that will probably be a cool feature. (There's TP for efficiency, still!)
    9. Wakko_4TheWorld
      (1/2) Started progress back up for the mall. Instead of a bulk layout, there will be a maze that goes all over, some paths leading to
    10. Wakko_4TheWorld
      1. khixan likes this.
    11. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Loving the new games server! My favorite games are Minebomber, Hide-and-Seek and PVP Free-For-All. Keep it up, build team! :D
      1. mjnoe70
        so do your items drop in that ffa pvp?
        Aug 6, 2017
      2. Wakko_4TheWorld
        I think you have undroppable kits in FFA specifically, but I'd think you wouldn't have your items drop in SMP PVP. No worries bro!
        Aug 11, 2017
      3. mjnoe70
        yep, you are right, I did go in to it a couple nights ago, it was fun, kits are odd but no drop worries for certain!
        Aug 11, 2017
    12. Wakko_4TheWorld
      But after that I will start setting up the actual shops on the first floor. If I need a second floor, that will come after the first floor.
    13. Wakko_4TheWorld
      My mall is almost finished! I might need the ceiling, but it will be tedious (the floor was a nightmare so I can't imagine this) (cont.)
    14. Wakko_4TheWorld
      I mean, school for me is in a week, but I want to finish my mall first before I do anything important. I hate making long-term decisions ;-;
    15. Wakko_4TheWorld
      I got a Diamond Supporter Voucher from PPP, and I can't decide whether I should save it for later in the year or to activate it rn (cont.)
    16. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Btw, I'm not selling very valueable PPP stuff. I'm only selling duplicates, like enchanted gapples, cookies, etc. If interested, PM me!
    17. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Selling lots of things from the PPP event. It was really fun! I think I got lucky with all the stuff I got lol
      1. Dufne likes this.
      2. Dufne
        I'm buying lots of things from the PPP event :P
        Jul 29, 2017
      3. Wakko_4TheWorld
        What kind of things are you looking for?
        Jul 29, 2017
    18. Wakko_4TheWorld
      My signature is stupid big. Seriously... what was I thinking? Lol. I'm fixing it right now...
    19. Wakko_4TheWorld
      Also, I'm starting construction on a library! Tell me if I should build it on my res or in the frontier
      1. NuclearBobomb
        Feb 22, 2017
      2. D_ceased
        I can only imagine all the knowledge going into it... The limit being how big you actually WANT your library. :O

        Yes, I noticed this post is 2 1/2 months old; oh well xD
        May 4, 2017
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    idk somewhere in my braihgns
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