Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

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    1. Rhyblet
      You always seem to be forum dwelling at 1:30 AM EMC time. Does moose keep you awake with his snoring? :P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rhyblet
        So you read a bunch to get tired, and when you're about to fall asleep, you blast yourself with computer light, waking you back up?
        Jan 10, 2017
      3. Krysyy
        I read on my phone, and do my last forum check on my phone.
        Jan 10, 2017
      4. Rhyblet
        Still, artificial lights destroy your sleep cycles :I
        Jan 10, 2017
    2. takenID
      Bump *Pokes* Hey Kry! You know what? I'm right with you... I use a school computer ... I'm is HS, and my help desk couldn't fix the problem... (Of Course) So I took it upon myself to fix... And I did!!! Then I fixed a couple other guys computers :p
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    3. BenMA
      1. Krysyy
        *double pokes*
        Jan 9, 2017
      2. BenMA
        *triple pokes* >:D
        Jan 9, 2017
    4. Krysyy
      Today has been one of those days that I look back on and say 'Hell yeah. I survived that! I can do anything!' Then I realize it's Monday.
      1. DrMadFate, Hashhog, khixan and 8 others like this.
      2. Sgt_Pepper4
        Do it again x4 lol.
        Jan 9, 2017
      3. ElfinPineapple
        Every day I'm on campus.
        Jan 9, 2017
    5. Tuqueque
      2 consecutive post about the forum upgrading...hmmm... what are you up to??? =D
      1. Sgt_Pepper4 and UltiPig like this.
    6. ultipig
      you should check the voucher redeeming thing since you're online. thank you :)
      1. Tuqueque likes this.
      2. Krysyy
        Just got home from date night and logging on shortly for just that =)
        Jan 7, 2017
      3. ultipig
        Jan 7, 2017
    7. MattieTheSpud
      I'd like to nominate myself as your favourite vegetable.

      Do you accept this nomination?

      Yes [] No []
      1. Tuqueque and UltiPig like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Krysyy
        Unless mashed and covered in bacon, cheese and sour cream. Do you accept these terms and conditions? Yes [] No []
        Jan 7, 2017
      4. MattieTheSpud
        Draw me like one of your French Tater Tots, Krysyy.

        Yes [/]
        Jan 7, 2017
      5. PupInAction
        Jan 7, 2017
    8. finch_rocks_1
      Looks like aikar removed that message about remote shop signs by mistake... lol, Might want to fix it, hehe
      1. Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
      2. Aikar
        It only shows in the Auction forums now.
        Jan 7, 2017
      3. Krysyy
        From Aikar: No, I made it smart. (It only shows when in auction forums)
        Jan 7, 2017
      4. finch_rocks_1
        Jan 7, 2017
    9. PupInAction
      I just realized You're older than Aikar on EMC. Lol and Eclipsys is older than both of you xD
      1. Jay2a likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Krysyy
        very easily according to my phone's brain
        Jan 7, 2017
      4. Bonditt
        Phones don't have brains
        Jan 10, 2017
      5. Sachrock
        they have a cpu which is known as the "brain" of the phone :P
        Jan 10, 2017
    10. Krysyy
      A husband with control of the internet modem is a powerful being. I will be on tonight AFTER I complete a set list of chores. =(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krysyy
        'It's a really late day at work honey, I'll be home after midnight'
        Jan 6, 2017
      3. jesseqw
        lol if I did that, I would wake up a few days later not remembering that my wife threw her mouse at me
        Jan 6, 2017
      4. Roslyn
        Do the chores!
        Jan 6, 2017
    11. Abdita
      Hi. I am a person. I am a small person. i IsH oBsEssED wItH wIErD thINgS (Including memes lol), some people call me crazy :P I am here, I dunno why. My life is full of surprises, maybe this is one of them? ^_-
    12. Krysyy
      Really wish I had worn my step tracker to work. It's one of those days...
      1. DrMadFate and Tigerstar like this.
    13. Gartanno
      I'll draw an avatar of you soon blue lad ;P
    14. OhMiku
      I deleted the post, and am now refusing to ever listen to one such person ever again.

      I do apologize.
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    15. Krysyy
      Thanks to PupInAction who drew my newest avatar. I was just thinking of needing one, and it just appears in my inbox like magic! =)
      1. Kytula, Abdita, Tigerstar and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. PupInAction
        Thanks guys ;)
        Jan 3, 2017
      4. TechNinja_42
        That's awesome! Great drawing
        Jan 3, 2017
      5. 607
        That's really nice!
        Jan 3, 2017
    16. Krysyy
      Resetting my internal clock to handle going back to work....I'll be so full of energy tomorrow, that I might host an event =)
      1. Rhyblet
        Jan 2, 2017
      2. OhMiku
        I went to sleep at 6pm, woke up at 2am now am waiting to go to school, this is painful
        Jan 2, 2017
      3. PupInAction
        Now Im excited :D
        Jan 2, 2017
    17. DrMadFate
      1. PupInAction
        That or krysyy is a ghost
        Jan 2, 2017
    18. Krysyy
      Most people use their stock dividends for savings. I use mine to upgrade my computer case and get a new mouse. #GamerLife
      1. View previous comments...
      2. WitherDoggie
        Had to google what stock dividends were lol. I need some upgrades to my current PC, but no money so ya know :P
        Jan 1, 2017
      3. Krysyy
        Lol don't worry I did to when irl work said I'd start to get them since I was there 2 years. Pretty nice perk though =)
        Jan 1, 2017
      4. Sachrock
        That case is massive!
        Jan 1, 2017
    19. Krysyy
      Switching to a less than quality mouse for a little bit, but at least it won't double click!
      1. ScroogeMcFate, ThaKloned and BenMA like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. OhMiku
        Or ya know.. turn off your pvp hacks..
        Jan 1, 2017
      4. Krysyy
        It was definitely a malfunctioning mouse.
        Jan 1, 2017
      5. OhMiku
        Uh huh.
        Jan 1, 2017
    20. Krysyy
      Heading off for the night because it is 1 AM. I WILL update the Show Yourself Thread at sometime on the 1st. Too many projects at once, lol.
      1. ScroogeMcFate, ThaKloned and UltiPig like this.
      2. ultipig
        Jan 1, 2017
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    Austin, Texas
    Lab Supervisor
    I've had the joy to be a member of Empire Minecraft for over 6 years, and a staff member for a good 4+ and going.

    I have 2 large fur babies that I love dearly: Zara and Zoboomafoo (Zaboo). They are a Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mix, respectfully, and love their cuddle time.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play EMC all day and do have to actually pay the bills, so I have what you call a full-time job :eek:*shocker*. I'm a Lab Supervisor at a medical clinic in heart of the great state of Texas. :cool:

    I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, so if you ever want to talk about it, just shoot me a message. If you send me spoilers for an episode, without clarifying that I've seen it first, I will not be a happy camper, so please don't.:mad:

    That's really about all I have to say...
    If you haven't yet, make sure you read the rules and always follow them. It makes me happy and everyone likes a happy Krysyy!:D