Jan 25, 2014
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Dedicated Member, Male, from Tokyo

Apparently I’m now an Empire Ancient? It’s pretty nostalgic looking back six years to my first cobblestone mall and all the benchmarks following. Perhaps there’ll be an opportunity to play again in the future, when I don’t have a latency in the four digits. EMC, how are you? Mar 7, 2020

    1. Kyzoy
      Apparently I’m now an Empire Ancient? It’s pretty nostalgic looking back six years to my first cobblestone mall and all the benchmarks following. Perhaps there’ll be an opportunity to play again in the future, when I don’t have a latency in the four digits. EMC, how are you?
      1. padde73
        Good to see an update from you Kyzoy!
        EMC, is such a nostalgia source for me as well, thinking back on everything over the years.
        Hope to see you in game or on discord in the near future!
        Mar 7, 2020
      2. MoreMoople
        Heya Kyzoy! I don't think we've chatted much, but I recognize your name. :) I hope you've beem doing well!
        Mar 7, 2020
      1. FadedMartian and Kyzoy like this.
      2. Kyzoy
        I was baking chicken!
        Jan 23, 2018
      3. Eviltoade
        lol <3
        Jan 23, 2018
    2. Ch33zus
      1. We3_MPO and Kyzoy like this.
    3. We3_MPO
      You're back! :D
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
    4. D_ceased
      Welcome back to the party! B)
      1. We3_MPO and Kyzoy like this.
    5. Ch33zus
      Still waiting... xx
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
    6. Roslyn
      MERRY CHRISTMAS JAMES! Looking forward to talking to you soon!
      1. Kyzoy and Sachrock like this.
    7. Sachrock
      We need to catch up again hit me up sometime when you're free
      1. Kyzoy and padde73 like this.
    8. Ch33zus
      bb, come back :c I'm _cheezus <3
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
    9. SteamingFire
      Eh... eh... I don't remember who you are xD
      1. Kyzoy
        Who am I really? Perhaps I am not simply one, but an idea.
        Apr 30, 2016
      2. Kyzoy
        It's okay.. nobody remembers who I am.
        Apr 30, 2016
      3. SteamingFire
        *.* -hugs-
        May 1, 2016
    10. cowland123
      Never realized you were from Italy, I am mostly Italian but I have never been there :O I'm trying to convince my grandparents to take me.
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
      2. Kyzoy
        I lived in the US for quite a while, so I hope you wouldn't notice any difference between my English among others. :)

        It's really nice here! If you ever decided on going, or you want a list of the most beautiful places for convincing them or traveling, I can hook you up! I just got back from a week-long trip to Torino.
        Apr 11, 2016
    11. Kyzoy
      Just began my application for the University of Tokyo; here I come.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kyzoy
        I'm an American exchange student studying in Italy, applying for a Japanese university.
        Feb 19, 2016
      3. Kyzoy
        @Kaizmir At which university? I've looked at quite a few universities in Asia for engineering.
        Feb 19, 2016
      4. ForeverMaster
        Good luck.
        Japan is one of the most innovative places on Earth. There are many unbelievably bright people creating what was thought to be impossible...
        Apr 3, 2016
    12. _REMOVED_87055
      Wow, I thought you'd been on EMC longer
      1. Kyzoy
        I'm that new generation; one of those old, new players
        Feb 2, 2016
      2. _REMOVED_87055
        Feb 3, 2016
    13. L0RALEI
      kobato~ ₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
      2. Kyzoy
        Dec 17, 2015
      3. Kyzoy
        it's beautiful ain't it
        Dec 17, 2015
    14. finch_rocks_1
      i swear.... you are the hardest person to catch online..... last seen 17 mins ago, last seen 5 mins ago, last seen 8 hours..... ger.

      Also did you see my PM?
      1. Kyzoy
        Well, my most recent status states my inactivity, so I would imagine it's hard to catch me. I did see your PM, and I replied a few weeks ago.
        Nov 29, 2015
      2. finch_rocks_1
        I just bumped it, I am sure you may want to read it, hehe
        Nov 29, 2015
    15. Keliris
      You seem to be active at least on the forums O.o
      1. Kyzoy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kyzoy
        Oct 11, 2015
      4. xHaro_Der
        How will you pickup auctions if you are going to be out of the game for another 10 months? Good luck on your trip, though!
        Oct 22, 2015
      5. Kyzoy
        I arrange with someone beforehand to move the items. I jump in game, pay both players, drop access chests, and go on with life. Grazie mile!
        Oct 22, 2015
    16. Kyzoy
      As of 06:20 today, I will be inactive until I return from my study abroad in Italy on August 2016. See you then, arrivederci!
      1. Kytula, ChamelonNYC, Dufne and 2 others like this.
      2. CadenMann
        G'day, and thank you for all the favours you've done for me. =)
        Sep 2, 2015
      3. 820327
        was about to ask what about your build....but then i saw you are perm protected so all is good XD
        Sep 2, 2015
      4. ChamelonNYC
        You'll be an empire veteran when you come back.
        I hope you have fun on your trip.
        Sep 13, 2015
    17. batmegh
      you've won the vault pages :) i can mail them over when you pay? a lot easier than having to come pick them up!
      1. Kyzoy
        I will send the payment right over!
        Sep 1, 2015
      2. batmegh
        alrighty, i'll keep an eye on my balance to change! :D
        Sep 1, 2015
      3. batmegh
        thank you and enjoy!
        Sep 2, 2015
    18. Kyzoy
      Today is the tomorrow of yesterday.
      1. FDNY21, CadenMann and BlinkyBinky like this.
    19. Kyzoy
      "I would if I could, but I can't and I shan't." is probably my favorite way of saying no. Nope, it's now official.
      1. FDNY21, Mirr0rr, Roslyn and 2 others like this.
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    Undergraduate Student