The Major Update - 7/1/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Why is there no res tags?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. ... How will I match my alts names now....
  3. Can't make new shop signs now. Unless there is a new method for that.
  4. I don't know if you're aware of these already but /v +shop and custom /home commands from being a supporter don't seem to be working.
  5. Tested... for now, they'll work fine if you put your name on the first line. :)
    607, cadgamer101, khixan and 2 others like this.
  6. You're just the hero tonight, PenguinDJ!
    khixan, Gawadrolt and PenguinDJ like this.
  7. Removed the things I am not too upset about... it wasn't much. The rest of this is going to be SUPER annoying. Most especially because I already am the walking smp7 emc wiki when I'm on... now? now I can't sign into emc or I may get trampled for answers XD
    Kytula likes this.
  8. *signs onto SMP7*
  9. How close are we to actual name change support now?
  10. #SocksBrokeAllTheThings
  11. I would say... a very short hop. Not even a skip
  12. There's an odd glitch that were you walk backwards into corners of anvils you get half stuck in the block. I tried thhis out on multiple anvils. I also got strange looks :D
    DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  13. That seems like a Minecraft glitch... have you tried to reproduce in singleplayer?
  14. I would assume... this is also not a new bug? (with this update). As I almost certain that we did not touch anything related to standing on anvils.
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  15. all the things listed are bugs and about to be pushed a fix up for... you dont have to deal with the /home or loc stuff lol.

    could be next week if all goes well.
  16. Is that all the stuff on this list, or another one?
  17. Now this is not very fair as I didn't touch shop signs. The rest, I plead the 5th :p
  18. /res info XXXX
    /res pset XXXX Flag t
    Not working from the wild
  19. All fixed now
    Gawadrolt, 607, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  20. I just had to change that syntax. Please put a ! before the address/name now. /res pset !1111 name flag t

    The system was getting confused on were you trying to set perms for Player X or trying to set perms on Player X's res...

    SOME commands will work without the !, but use it for best reliability.

    Residence res = null;
    CommandSender sender = c.getSender();
    final String firstArg = c.getFirstArg();
    if (firstArg != null) {
        if ((
            firstArg.startsWith("!") && (res = getResidenceByName(firstArg.substring(1))) != null
        ) || (
            (c.getNumParams() == c.getArgs().size()|| c.isLastArg()) && (res = getResidenceByName(firstArg)) != null
        )) {
    Gawadrolt, 607 and B4DMAN5IMON like this.