Rainbow Banner? (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hoops_McCann, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. Only public businesses are subject to anti-discrimination policies. Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby are two prime examples of companies that have showed disdain for homosexuality, but they are not forced to do anything. This ruling does not affect the right for private institutions to refuse to perform the marriage. It is primarily aimed toward ensuring that all states recognize marriage as a right and they cannot deny the legal license.
  2. I am not being hateful. I have nothing against people being gay. I personally believe it is wrong. But if you want to be gay, okay.

    And another thing, don't pretend that Jesus would be for gay marriage. I am strongly religous. And I know that he isn't.
    Dragonhawk32, tomijo95 and BrenJone like this.
  3. When I heard about being gay.
  4. Yes, I support gay marriage anywhere.

    No, I will not argue my point.

    I don't see why there is the need to argue about it. Yes, there is a choice to be gay, transgender, or any section of the LGBTQ. However, I'm not going to stop someone from marrying someone that they have feelings for. If it gets to the point where we are going to scream at each other through the Internet about whether or not someone should be allowed to marry someone of the same sex, then that is sad to me. I believe we should be allowed to marry who we have feelings for, whether or not it be your choice. It is love, and love has no boundaries.

    I am 100% fine with having a rainbow flag on the banner of the website whether it represents the legalization of gay marriage or not. I rest my case. Now, let's all rejoice and be happy.

    Also, while I'm at it, to calm down this mini-flame-war, let me present to you a GIF of puppies:

    I rest my case once more.
  5. I think you may be confused with the concepts of impulse and action.
    Being homosexual is an impulse. Homosexuals are impulsively attracted to members of the same sex. There is no choice involved in impulse.
    Acting upon those impulses they do have a choice about, however they would still have the same impulses and would therefore still be homosexual, just not practicing homosexuals.
    It's like saying I have a choice to like pizza, I like pizza without any conscious decision involved, I can however choose not to eat pizza, but why?
    The entire argument sounds like someone on a diet complaining because other people are eating doughnuts, or because someone walked by with a box of doughnuts, or they walked by a doughnut shop.

    I don't like Hawaiian pizzas, they should be illegal to make have or consume! Because my individual preferences are so very much more important than anything else on this planet.

    I love Hawaiian pizzas, and doughnuts
  6. The bible loosly states that it is a sin. You can argue how loose it is, but that is my interpretation. Jesus taught people to not judge and love one another. I am not sure if he would be for gay marriage, but I am sure he wouldn't be all Westboro Baptist on tbe subject.
  7. So, until that point, you were gay? Or until that point, you were attracted to everyone, but no one told you that being gay was wrong?

    Or were you born one way, as we all were, and didn't know that there was another option, because you were born that way?

    If it really is a choice, then why has no one in the history of the world been able to change their mind? Why is it such an issue that everyone but you thinks it's a way you're born, and not a conscious choice?

    Why do no homosexuals, who are probably better informed than you about what it's like to be gay, think that it's just a choice?
  8. Go pick up a bible. Any bible will do, but the thicker and heavier, the better.
    Step 1: Bash your forehead against it.
    Step 2: Repeat.
    This concludes our lesson on why arguing with the strongly religious is a wasted effort.

    For my part? I don't like the banner. Not because of any political statement - if Aikar wants to throw some digital confetti, I see no problem with this - but just because it's garish and my eyes don't like it. :p
    Otherwise, keeping my personal views personal.
    PenguinDJ, Xinn, ChrisFlareon and 4 others like this.
  9. Man your eyes are so picky! First the blog, now a rainbow :p
  10. Oh you just wait. Like I said, this will create more problems then it will resolve. I see a court battle in the future on if people can use religion as reason on why they won't service a gay couple. And once the court has shot down religious freedom, then freedom of religion will be a distant memory for the now dictatorship US.
  11. Religious freedom is the day when we are no longer shackled by millenia-old books & beliefs. When our faiths unite, rather than divide us.
    You want religious freedom? I want freedom from the religious.
    PenguinDJ, Xinn, JackBiggin and 5 others like this.
  12. Really? Do you love yer mom? So in the case that you do, would you try and choose not to and if so why?
    Do you really think people want to put their lives on the line? Do you think they want e to be beaten bloody because they love someone others feel is wrong? Would you put the one you loved the most in the world aside because others said it was wrong? Would you defy them and love your mom anyway? .. just wondering.

    It's ok marshmallow. I believe in your rights too... your right to be who you are and to speak your truth and also to love who you love. I'd give you a virtual hug but I'm afraid you'd 'punch' me. =/

    There is one more thing i will say.. If you really do believe that your God (in what ever way you view your god) is all powerful and sits in judgement over all, then shouldn't you just let your god handle that part? Otherwise aren't you the one telling God what God wants and kinda taking over Gods job? just a thought. Thanks for reading this far.
  13. CrystalDragon gets a hug, too.
    Olaf_C, crystaldragon13 and Kephras like this.
  14. Every choice comes with great controversy, one door closes and 2 others open. There will be more problems but they will be dealt with as they arise. Nothing comes easy in the land of opportunity, or have we forgotten what the United States stands for?
  15. I'll give an opinion on this tomorrow. This thread is awfully funny though.
    jkjkjk182, Kephras, clan23 and 2 others like this.
  16. O_O whaa.. how.. huh? *face palms* Dude, i'm sorry but that made no sense what so ever. How can giving people back what never should have been taken away in the first place bring about a dictatorship? I just don't get it. =/
    PandasEatRamen and PenguinDJ like this.
  17. First off, that already went to the supreme court. You cannot deny someone service for sexual orientation. There is a difference between having an opinion and denying someone their basic human rights. If you disagree with someone's idea on what they want their life to be, that is fine, but they deserve to be treated as humans. Second, people are entitled to their opinions, and the Government won't stop it. The government is not one to sensor religious views. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but everyone deserves respect.
  18. Based on previous precedent and political agenda, the most that might happen is that sexual preference woul become a protected class, similar to race, ethnicity, religion, age, etc. This will set the rule for public businesses. Private can still refuse for any reason. Those lovely signs in some places that say they have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They Will still stand. It's the private business owner's right and that won't change. They wouldn't win if they tried To take that away.
    PandasEatRamen and Phelps4 like this.
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